) Be social Wherever two or more of your customers are gathered, so should your dealership be there also (to paraphrase), and that applies to social media.  And, if you're not there personally yourself, too, get on Facebook NOW--having a business page and not being on Facebook yourself is like buying a newspaper ad when you can't read.

2) Start smart social Launch your social media business pages, etc. with a plan, or don't do it at all.  If you can't monitor it, don't have it; if you can't add interesting content on a good schedule, don't start it.

3) Keep it social Your Mom wouldn't care to see your inventory stapled to her walls--at her house OR on her Facebook news feed--so don't think your customers will like that on Facebook, either.  They'd all like, however, to hear about your customer's new truck that trailered their boat to a great lake trip.  Act otherwise and your page will be ignored by your customers--and you won't even know it.


(from the dealership series "Shetterly's Three Laws of...")
By Keith Shetterly, keithshetterly@gmail.com
Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

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Comment by Keith Shetterly on May 3, 2011 at 6:19am
Done right, there's an SEO value for the dealer's site from using social media properly. If you read the book "Gravitational Marketing", you'll see the role that SM plays.
Comment by Kathi Kruse on May 3, 2011 at 12:39am
Great post...so true!  I'm finding that some dealers think Facebook and SM is a fad.  I believe this is because they are in denial.  I like to say, "It's either going to make you stronger or it will kill you".  I used to be a dealer principle and I was always looking for another way to generate leads.  Some believe that the leads they pay for will pay the bills but you and I both know that the true warm leads that come from Social Media are what really count.  We just got 51 warm leads from our client's Facebook page in April while growing their fans from 230 to 1900+.  It can be done right and the issue I see is that not many can do it right so they call it a fad.  I'm all fired up because I just read this post: http://www.autonews.com/article/20110502/RETAIL03/305029953
Comment by Keith Shetterly on April 30, 2011 at 8:54pm
Comment by Keith Shetterly on April 30, 2011 at 8:46pm
Christopher, you crack me up!!  Thanks for a great comment, and hope you are well.  Let me check those flights to Hollywood . . . hmmmmm . . .  ;)

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