Showroom sales statistics for car dealers

Here are some general showroom statistics compiled from Nada studies, Joe Verde Group and a few other sources/studies over the last several years.

Some of these statistics are a few years old but believe me, still hold. Even with the influence of the Internet, 90 PLUS % of our customers are still eventually visiting the showroom and looking for a relationship before spending a wade of money and finally making their purchase.

Even when your “Internet customer” visits the showroom, many times it’s back to square 1, and this is where most sales people can find themselves skipping the sales steps. It’s amazing how much your relationship with your customer determines the sale…

72% of customers tell their salesperson they are “just looking” at the initial greeting.

71% of customers say they bought their vehicle because they like, trusted and respected their salesperson.

85% of consumers say their salesperson DID NOT control the sales process, build any rapport or interviewed their sales person.

88% of customers said they received a lousy presentation and demonstration.

50% of customers said they bought on the spot when they got what they felt was a good presentation and demonstration.

93% of customers did not get a service walk as part of the sales process.

94% of salespeople are not confident of the price in the close.

90% of sales people DO NOT do any follow-up whether the customer purchases or not.

82% of customers cannot remember the sales persons name 1 year after their purchase.

78% of customers who visit your showroom buy a vehicle somewhere.

85% of customers made up their mind to purchase a vehicle before they left their house.

38% of customers purchase within 4 hours of visiting their first dealership.

57% of consumers purchase within 3 days of visiting their first dealership.

90% of customers purchase within 1 week of visiting their first dealership.

30% of customers have a family member who will purchase a vehicle in the next 90 days.

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Comment by Chris Saraceno on January 2, 2012 at 8:14pm

Great information to review with your entire team,Thank you

Comment by Jason McIntosh "Jmac" on December 29, 2011 at 12:52pm

The numbers do not lie! It has also been said that 20% of the salesforce is responsible for 80% of the production...

Yet another statistic is 80% usually do not buy there 1st visit, not sure if that is still accurate...

These statistics should serve as a reminder not to be part of them... Be the exception... Be the rule an RULE!

That is your competition... I can concur with these findings because I am in different showrooms all across the country... I give my students what I call a LIfe Changing Homework assignment... The secret shop!

Same story every time! Atrocious... In a sea of sorrow all you have to do to stick out like a sore thumb is...

The right thing! Do not shortcut emotion, value out of a time proven process!!! Th result will be a Tsunami of success!!!

Great Post, Great reminder going into a new year! Statistically speaking we all fall into statistics! Let's do everything we can to fall in the right category! Unfortunately but ironically enough fortune can be found in the minority... where the majority would like to be but are not willing to do what it takes to get there...

Of those negative statistics... I would like to start a pool on the percantage that do not even read this to reflect and change to improve... 100% Too High? alright will give them benefit of doubt 99,9%, haha!

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