Social Content Examples for November 2014

Let me start off by stressing the word social, these are going to be topics, events and days of interest that you can use to be conversation pieces with people in your online communities. None will be car specific but instead topics that might stimulate two-way conversations and recognition. People are pretty smart, they know ABC Toyota sells Toyota’s, you don’t have to tell them every day.

These topics will fall into the fun section of my 4-3-2-1 Rule of Facebook Posting. Each month, I will give you a list of ideas that you can use on your social networks throughout the month. Please take the time each month to make an additional list of other relevant topics for your local community.

4321 Rules of Facebook Posting


Month Long Events of Interest

November is a month of thanks, thanks for family, friends and our military. And how can I forget, peanut butter as well!

American Diabetes Month – a lot of people are affected by this disease, show your support for those struggling with diabetes. Here are just a few of the recent statistics on diabetes:

  • Nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes.
  • Another 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but are not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.


Go Purple with a Purpose for Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness and Caregivers Month. President Ronald Reagan designated November as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month in 1983. At the time, fewer than 2 million Americans had Alzheimer’s; today, the number of people with the disease has soared to nearly 5.4 million. Get involved this month, and help raise awareness for Alzheimer’s disease.



November is also Epilepsy Awareness month as well as Lung and Pancreatic Cancer Awareness months. Pick a day or two throughout the month to show your respect.



November brings Child Safety & Prevention Month, share child safety tips and have an event at your dealership dedicated to child safety. Here is a good link of tips to share with people in your online community.


November is National Adoption Month. Adoption is an amazing gift for a lot of families in our country who are unable to conceive on their own.



Lastly on a lighter note, November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month! Did you know?…. Two peanut farmers have been elected president of the USA – Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter!

Weeks of Interest
American Education Week—November 16-22, 2014—presents all Americans with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education. The weeklong celebration features a special observance each day of the week. For more information, check out this website.

Days of Interest – on the Serious Side
11/3/14 – National Housewife’s Day – Guys you better not screw this one up!
11/10/14 – USMC Day – This year will mark the 239th birthday of the United States Marine Corp, show your respect for their service.

11/11/14 – Veterans Day – A day to show respect for all of our soldiers, past and present, that have protected the freedoms we hold dear.

veterans day
How about doing a contest for military families in your local community? Have people nominate military families by submitting pictures of them. I do this every year with our clients and here are some examples of pictures that were submitted.

11/13/14 – World Kindness Day – No matter where you are, this is the day to change the world with one simple act of kindness.

11/14/14 – World Diabetes Day – Great day to show your respect for the cause.
11/15/14 – National Philanthropy Day – Do something good for someone or a group in your community.
11/20/14 – Great American Smokeout – Quit smoking for a day and support those doing the same!
11/22/14 – National Adoption Day – Nothing greater than family and family comes in all shapes and forms. To couples that adopt children, they are granted a gift greater than words can express.

Days of Interest – on the Lighter Side
11/1/14 – Book Lovers Day – Why not ask people in your community what the last book they read was? Would they recommend it to others?
11/3/14 – Sandwich day – What’s your favorite sandwich? How about doing a contest where people submit their best sandwich recipes and the winner gets a grocery store gift card to buy all the ingredients. Maybe they will bring a couple up to the dealership!
11/17/14 – Homemade Bread Day – same concept applies, I love fresh cooked homemade bread!

Hope this helps you engage with your Facebook community and get ready for the month of December! Check out this video from a Christmas contest we did a couple years ago, it remains one of my favorite because of the impact it made on this young lady as well as her entire family!


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