Social Content Examples for October 2014

Let me start off by stressing the word social, these are going to be topics, events and days of interest that you can use to be conversation pieces with people in your online communities. None will be car specific but instead topics that might stimulate two-way conversations and recognition. People are pretty smart, they know ABC Toyota sells Toyota’s, you don’t have to tell them every day.

These topics will fall into the fun section of my 4-3-2-1 Rule of Facebook Posting. Each month, I will give you a list of ideas that you can use on your social networks throughout the month. Please take the time each month to make an additional list of other relevant topics for your local community.


Month Long Events of Interest

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in women in the United States for 2014 are:

  • About 232,570 new cases of invasive breast cancer
  • About 62,570 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the breast will be found (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).
  • About 40,000 deaths from breast cancer

Couple of ideas to do: Add a pink ribbon to your logo, have a pink day at your dealership, or use pictures like the one below as your cover picture.

cancer awareness

National Liver Cancer Awareness Month – The American Cancer Society’s estimates for primary liver cancer and intrahepatic bile duct cancer in the United States for 2014 are:

  • About 33,190 new cases (24,600 in men and 8,590 in women) will be diagnosed
  • About 23,000 people (15,870 men and 7,130 women) will die of these cancers

Down Syndrome Awareness Month – There are over 400,000 people living with Down Syndrome in the US.

National Diabetes Month

AIDS Awareness Month – There is roughly 1.1 Million people living with AIDS in the US.

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month – Mutts make the best pets! Give them their due, have a pet adoption day at your dealership! Pets are part of people’s families and they love to show them off. Have a pet picture contest!

Energy Awareness Month – Go Green! Share energy-saving ideas, ways your cars are “Green” and what you are doing at the dealership to conserve energy.

National Chili Month – Have a chili cook off at your dealership to raise money for breast cancer awareness!

Couple more on a fun note – National Cookie Month, National Pizza Month and Seafood Month – have fun with them!!! Get a pizza company to co-promote your business and have a contest.

Weeks of Interest

10/6-10/10 – Customer Service Week – Do something special for your customers this week!

customer service

10/13-10/17 – National School Lunch Week

national school lunch week

10/12-10/18 – National Food Bank Week – collect canned goods at your dealership and share on Facebook pictures of customers and employees donating.

10/23-10/31 – Red Ribbon Week or Drug-Free America – more info here:

Days of Interest – on the Serious Side

10/3-10/5 – Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend – show your respect

10/4 – National Child Health Day – share information about vaccinations, healthy eating, vitamins, and other ways for kids to eat healthier. Ask people in your community the following question: “Moms, what do you do to get your kids to eat healthier?” Have a contest for the healthiest kid friendly recipes.

10/5 – World Teachers Day – takes a special person to be a teacher!

teachers matter

10/13 – Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day – you want to show recognition towards those fighting the fight all month but especially this day.

10/22 – National Mammography Day – early prevention is extremely important!

10/27 – Navy Day – most people have some level of patriotism in them and showing respect for our troops is a great way to bond with people.

Days of Interest – on the Lighter Side

10/2 – Name your car day – ask people what the name of their car is, I bet you will get a lot of answers!

10/4 – National Golf Day and National Frappe Day – one for the men and one for the ladies!

10/17 – Wear Something Gaudy Day – have fun with this and take pictures!

10/25 – World Pasta Day – share recipes and cooking tips and ask what are people’s favorites.

10/31 – Halloween – have trick or treat at the dealership. Give candy to all your salespeople and have kids go from desk to desk.

There are more but this should be a good guide for your upcoming content calendar. See you next month!

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