On my way home from the gym this morning, I found myself waiting behind a small SUV for the light to turn green.  With only 1 hour to get ready for work, my mind was racing thinking of what I needed to get accomplished today. As I sat staring into the back of the SUV, the Jeep’s driver decided not to wait for the light to turn green. With no regard or caution, the driver pulled out into the right-of-way traffic, hooked a left, and went about her day; I don’t even think she realized what she had done-I know the baby in the back seat didn’t.  Had the Jeep’s driver waited a few seconds longer, people’s lives would’ve changed forever. In the eastbound lane, the driver, probably running late, wouldn’t have been able to brake in time and would’ve smashed into the back of her; even worse, the 35,000 lb fire truck traveling westbound would’ve changed the landscape of many people’s future, including those firefighters returning to the station.

 I’m reminded that when I’m not keeping time- giving little regard to others, Someone else is. Just because things are not happening or coming together fast enough for you or it’s another “one of those days,” consider the fact that you may be on Someone else’s timing. What seems to be keeping you FROM something is the very thing taking you TO your future. Timing is everything….it sure was today.


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Comment by Marsh Buice on July 12, 2011 at 11:59am
I haven't forgot that :)
Comment by Joe Clementi on July 12, 2011 at 11:58am

Marsh, there's always a great plan isn't there? It's easy to promote your posts...they're always good :)  Take care and don't forget you still owe me a lunch meeting! 

Comment by Marsh Buice on July 12, 2011 at 11:20am
Joe, my man glad to hear from you :) Thanks for your promo and comment. I am like you, when we aren't looking out for ourselves, thank God He is. I often wonder how close I have come to danger and never knew about it. That is what struck me this day, I dont think the driver  ever knew. Also, when we get to the pouting stage and things arent going according to "our plan" we have to realize it is all for a reason. We may not know until years later why we were delayed, but we are rarely ever denied. Thanks as always my brother.
Comment by Marsh Buice on July 12, 2011 at 11:13am
Thanks Stephanie :)
Comment by Joe Clementi on July 12, 2011 at 11:08am
MB - Another inspiring post my friend.  Sometimes its hard to see through the "morning fog" and remind ourselves that there is more life to live.  I see incidents like your description every morning on my way to work and I'm amazed at the choices people make just to save a couple of minutes.
Comment by Stephanie Young on July 12, 2011 at 9:58am
That was a sobering reminder for me.  I seem to live my life in two speeds....dead to the world asleep or Mach 2 with my hair on fire awake.  Life really can changed in a blink of an eye.  Thanks for reminded me that not everyone is on Stephanie time.  Great post!!!!

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