Sometimes You Have To Get Through The No’s Before You Can Win Your YES

In our business we hear the word no from our clients, managers and pretty much everyone that we come in contact every day. In life most of us growing up heard no for our parents, grandparents and teachers.  Our brains are more conditioned to the word no more than the word yes.  The mistake that most of us make is we get discouraged and overwhelmed by the word no and we either quite trying or just plain give up when no is spouted off in our direction. Have you ever heard the quote “God will never close a door without opening a window?”  You see the closed door is the no and that window to the sunshine just may be your yes.

Now you may ask Shawn how do I continue to maintain and grow a positive selling attitude when I’m surrounded by the word no? When you come to those no’s just know that you are just one step closer to your yes. Have you ever felt like you have lost your drive, your passion just because you heard the word no? I have more times than I can count, I honestly think that I own the world record for the amount of no’s received in one day. Think about this, what if you had a magic crystal ball and you could see into your future and you knew that you were only a couple no’s away from that one big yes? What if that one yes was a promotion that you have worked so hard for at work? What if that yes was a new sales client that would take your business to the next level or it may be finding your very first home. 

I can remember just five short years ago my wife and I decided to have another child. My wife really wanted a little girl and we tried and tried and nothing for what seemed to be forever, still no baby. At last after over a year of no’s full of disappointment my wife came running into the bedroom one morning and she was finally pregnant. We could barely control our emotions.  You see we could have given up and said we’ve tried and it just didn’t work out, it’s just not our luck so we should just stop trying. We continued to stay in faith and on September 9th of this year our daughter Haleigh will be three years old. You see no matter how hard the no is sometimes you have to find that window to your yes.

Every day you have to get it into your head that yes is in your future. Do not get discouraged, think of every no as a test and learn from every one of them. Try to figure out why someone is telling you no. Think of yourself as going to NO University where you will earn a 4.0 GPA and gratuate with a degree in YES's. Every no will teach you how to gain more yes’s.

Please take the time when you wake up each and every morning and say “today is going to be a day full of yes’s”. Start off your day positively and remember sometimes you have to get thru the no’s before you can win your yes.

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