The 9 Best Back to College Reading Books

The 9 Best Back to College Reading Books

Summer's over – it's time to put down the beach reads and pick up something a little meatier. Whether it's back to school or back to the grind, fall is usually the time of year when we buckle down and focus. These are our favorite books to help launch you from classroom to boardroom. Do you have another title that didn't make the cut? Sound off in the comments below.



S*** Sandwich by Steve Stauning

Despite the unappetizing title, S*** Sandwich is a more realistic approach to building a great life – on realistic terms. Small sacrifices for a greater good to reap greater financial benefits are, according to the author, "s*** sandwiches" that successful people have to eat to achieve and retain their position. From working late to achieve a promotion, saying no to indulgent foods for a better physique, or living on a strict budget to pay off debts, the methods are small, yet easily achievable.


Turbo Charge Your Life by Troy Spring

Personal responsibility and choosing your own success are the cornerstones of this book. It's a short read, perfect for a quick "kick in the pants" as Spring says. Whether you are seeking financial success or need to motivate people in your department at work, Spring's roadmap to a turbo-charged life will inspire and motivate you. It's focused on building a strong sales force, but the life lessons apply anywhere.


The $100 Million Dollar Playbook by David Alan

Sometimes success takes unusual means – and going against the grain is what made Alan successful in a tight industry. Choosing to take the leap and achieve your dreams can be scary, but this book can give you the steps to take in order to get there. With a proven track record of financial accomplishment, Alan's advice is applicable to people in any sales field.


Unstoppable by Dave Anderson

Are you ready to be a leader in your company? From playmakers to game changers, there are four distinct roles in every business organization. Learn how to stand out and become a Game Changer. You'll receive candid insights from dozens of coaches, managers, CEOs, journalists, entrepreneurs, and other elite performers reveal the qualities that make some people stand out, and the underlying theme is changing your mindset.



The Leadership Factor by David Lewis

Leadership, success, and focused sales are the hallmarks of standing out in a competitive field. Using techniques from his success in auto sales, motivating a sales team, and proven financial strategies, author David Lewis breaks down the role of a leader – what leaders do differently, with strategies that teach anyone who isn't a natural leader to become one.


The Richest Man in Babylon by Charles Conrad

Charles book helps people learn the fundamentals of finance. Through this entertaining parable, you’ll learn how to: keeping more of what you earn, put your savings to work for you, get out of debt, choose wise investments, increase your earning power, and safeguard a lasting fortune. In any position, these proven tactics can help you better understand the six laws of wealth. There's a basic system for success, and it's presented in a way that anyone can follow – and apply to their own situation.


What I've Learned From Attending Over 35 Indy 500's by Jeff Cowan

Taken from years of watching the classic race, Cowan shares insights into sales, motivation, leadership, management, and life in general using lessons learned on the track. From conversations with the drivers to chitchat in the stands, Cowan's perspective on motivation and success is unique. The lessons shared and taught here are lessons that are timeless and highly valuable for anyone at any age.


Winning Gold by Lee Kemp

Written by one of the best wrestlers of all time – and multiple Olympic gold medal winner – Lee Kemp, this book provides great insight into becoming the very best at your chosen endeavors. The roadmap to success World Champion Kemp plots out is a GPS for success to tap your full potential.


If You're Not First You're Last by Grant Cardone

Selling in a tight market and maximizing your market share in tough economic conditions takes hard work and creativity. Mistakes become more costly, and failure becomes a real possibility for all those who are not able to make the transition. Increasing your margins, developing a wider customer base, and developing an advance-and-conquer attitude are what set the star salespeople apart from the rest of the pack. For anyone in commission-based sales, these tactics are what will help you unleash your potential.

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