The 'Car Dealership Expose' Book You've All Been Waiting For!

In the car business, just about every dealership has "that" employee. You know, the one that complains about everything. The one that's never happy. The one most sales trainers, consultants and managers would call "cancer". The advice that 99% would give in regards to "that guy" who, no matter what you tried, just isn't positive and seems to hate everything would be to fire him. The last thing you need is some jaded veteran salesman spreading dissension and negativity around your dealership.


The guy who says things like these:


"Any sales managers know if the car dealer or general manager are screwing the salespeople by using hidden packs or inflating reconditioning costs of used vehicles, but they do not have the balls to say anything. Their balls have been cut off by the dealer or his puppet general manager before they get their titles."

"25% commission after the $500 pack means, your dealer is taking away $125 of your hard earned money on every vehicle that you sell. If you are selling 12 units, you get screwed $1500 a month which translates to $18,000 a year, just like that!"

"Car dealers do not allow salesmen in the business office not because they are afraid that the salesmen may screw the girls that are working there, they are not allowed because dealers are afraid the salesmen may look at the files and figure out how they are getting screwed on their commissions."

Do you know this guy? Do you have one at your dealership? Have you heard of this Great White Shark who lives in car dealerships?


Well, Jaws wrote a book. No kidding.


The book, titled "Kar Guys" and written by Medhi Roufougar is scheduled for release (according to his Facebook page and Twitter account) .. "soon".

[Note: There are more choice quotes that I didn't mention as well as a glowing recommendation of the book from somebody.. probably his neighbor.. on his website if you feel the need to spit your coffee at your computer monitor.]


It's target audience isn't consumers. It's not meant to "educate" people how to buy cars or anything like that. This book's sole purpose is to "enlighten" commissioned employees of car dealerships in the many ways they are, have been, and will continue to get screwed by their employer.


I was going to contact the author to talk to him regarding his book but his website advised that:


"Any dishonest car dealer,corrupted general manager,crooked sales manager or kinky closer who got offended from the kar guys book or this website feel free to call 1-800-kiss my ass.If the phone is busy,hang up and try again may be away from my desk or on the other line talking to another asshole." I changed my mind.


Someone this jaded, bitter and hostile would never believe that I really just wanted to talk to him about his book, motivations to write it, and what he hopes to accomplish.


My guess is that it was cheaper to write a book than to continue therapy.


:: face palm ::

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Comment by Arnold Tijerina on April 11, 2013 at 12:12pm

I highly doubt this book will ever see a bookshelf. This has got to be a self-published diatribe. Regardless, it'll be out there in the universe and, with the right searches, could show up. I certainly wasn't looking for it. Sad thing is that it has the potential of scaring off someone who might be great as a car salesman. It's obvious that, for whatever reason, the guy has a major grudge and the only person that would listen to him is his computer keyboard .. haha

Comment by Big Tom LaPointe on April 6, 2013 at 7:41am

Ditto David... silly thing here is what is the goal? To get the underperforming and perennially dissatisfied sales people to all of a sudden invest in their careers by reading a book that can help them sell more cars? This mentality doesn't even work in person during sales meeting lectures - he really thinks people will read about how they shouldn't be BLACK OUT ARTISTS? I never wish anyone ill will, I just hope this guy can find HIS OWN happiness.

Comment by Robert Hildreth on April 6, 2013 at 7:13am

Regardless if we agree or disagree...This will leave another black eye on the industry. People respond to drama a lot easier then the positive aspects of the industry or the people.

Maybe as a failed author; he can work it to a guest appearance on dancing with the stars.. But other than that with the tone he has taken. He will find life a lonely place where his only company will be his hatred. Hatred for something he never understood. (That he signed an agreement for pay. He always had the choice to leave if he disagreed with the compensation)

Comment by Randall Welsh on April 5, 2013 at 1:31pm

That's for sure David. Redirecting efforts in a positive manor would have given him a broader audience! He just sounds like a disgruntled employee. I ignore this garbage like the plague.

Comment by David Leger on April 5, 2013 at 1:27pm

WOW... If he spent the time and effort to write this towards selling cars, he'd have made much more money. The bottom line is that the pay plan is the pay plan... You either agree to it and work, or you don't and leave... Maybe should have been titled... The little B^%$hes guide to scraping by in life.

Comment by Randall Welsh on April 5, 2013 at 1:14pm

My goodness! A couple of observations here: If you are new to the business, this rage is not typical. If you are a "Car-Guy" like me, you know the pitfalls and you make a conscious choice to be or not to be an employee. The only people who will indulge and purchase this book are those who want to join his "pity party". It's the group that band together on the showroom floor, complaining amongst themselves. To circumvent this, I enacted the "Gung-Ho" of the month employee. Using Gung Ho a book by Ken Blanchard. I would have an award ceremony the first Friday of every month. We would supply lunch for all departments and have an award plaque and $200 gift card, for one employee who went above and beyond the call of duty. This was voted on by all department heads. You would not believe the TEAM it will produce. Last, all commission structures must have clarity and honesty, before you hire anyone. Then you will not see this rage. Unless you as a dealer are "Kinking" the process. If you are kinky, you too will generate this rage.

Comment by Stan Sher on April 5, 2013 at 12:49pm

Here is the deal.  Sales professionals have a choice in the matter where they want to work.  It is very easy to get a job as a sales person.  There are dealerships that are bad to work for and there are dealerships that are great to work.  MY advice is to research where you are applying for work.  In fact, when you go in for a job interview while waiting to meet the manager analyze the situation and how everyone functions.  I have been inside dealerships that have a nice environment and dealerships that do not have a nice environment.  What is scary is that you can tell a lot about the quality of a dealership just by looking at their hours of operation.  Be smart and consider a bunch of factors and you will not need to be a cancer.

Comment by Jason Mitchell on April 5, 2013 at 12:45pm


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