Greetings, everyone!

I often hear this in dealerships and it drives me crazy: “Today with the Web, clients know more about cars than the salespeople!”


And the sad fact is that this is often true… How can this be?  Do sales staff not have the same access to the Internet and do they not have the latest information at all times?


It’s an open secret that consumers have drastically changed their buying behaviour since the advent of the net, whether to get information about a company, a recipe, an automobile, etc. Checking things out online has become second nature for people, just as going to the Yellow Pages was fifteen years ago.


That being said, yes, it’s true: consumers may be as well informed as sales people in the showroom, but are they experts?


An expert isn’t just someone who knows, within a limited field of knowledge. His experience is recognized and enables him to give a reasoned response to a request for expertise.” (Harper’s)                                               
I always ask my clients: Are you an expert in your field? Do you know your competition well? Your strongest benefits and your uniqueness? Your programs? Your available inventory? Beyond common belief, consumers are looking for much more than price; they are seeking expertise, transparency and professionalism.


When Bombardier sales team tries to sell the LEAR JET 75 to potential buyers, I trust that they're aware of all the top selling points and benefits of the Airbus or the Embraer? You can bet they are!


Becoming an expert requires a willingness to learn, to want to improve, to distinguish yourself from the rest and, by that very fact, to become the point of reference in your field.

Are you prepared to make this commitment?


Enjoy your week and become an expert!




























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