The Consumer Is Shaping The Way We Advertise Forever

Here are 9 Must have Moments for Mobile Marketers & How The Consumer is Shaping The Way We Advertise.

  1. Mobile marketing isn't an option; it's an imperative. In-store shoppers are looking for product information and they're turning to their mobile device to find it. The mobile device, always on and always with shoppers, is one of the biggest influencers in the store today; it presents tremendous opportunities for marketers across industries to connect with potential customers-wherever they are, whenever they're searching for your products.
  2. Allow customers to find your dealership on mobile. In addition to having a mobile website, businesses should use it to prominently display retail locations and phone numbers.
  3. Own the digital shelf. Make it easy for shoppers to find product information, promotional offers, or other information about your dealership on their smartphones when in-store.
  4. Adopt your marketing message to the consumer's context. Taking into account things like location, time of day and device allow you to reach people with more relevant messages.
  5. Embrace mobile use in-store. It's going to happen, so find a way to take advantage of it. Having a wide inventory of ecommmerce products like accessories for new and used vehicles, store maps, and product information QR codes are just some of the ways to connect with mobile users.
  6. Improve the in-store experience. Offering expert service from salespeople or interactive product demos can help distinguish your in-store experience from online shopping.
  7. Having a strategy to address price comparisons. Using price match guarantees, stocking unique product bundles, and creating store specific products for your brand are just some of the steps car dealerships can take.
  8. Own the digital shelf allowing consumers to research and purchase your products with a mobile device. Shoppers often need more information to make a purchase decision and mobile search is their gateway.
  9. Start measuring new conversion types. Today's devices offer more ways than ever for customers to interact with your business. Customers that initially find you on mobile can transact on a web site or app, purchase over the phone and/or leave a deposit, or visit your physical dealership. Develop strategies to accurately attribute these actions to your mobile marketing. Most consumers with smartphones have Facebook activated at most times so asking for a simple "Like" doesn't hurt either.

These opinions expressed are soley those of myself, I eat, sleep and breathe this environment but I do not always cover everything so please feel free to add any value to this list.

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Comment by Daniel Tegeder on July 9, 2013 at 4:14pm

Man great information keep up the good work

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