The Data Superhighway: It's a Two-Way Street

Consumer Experience Meets Technology 

Consumers are continuously putting information and data about themselves into the online world, and in order to take your dealership to the next level, it’s important to focus on what’s being said.  Creating a positive overall customer experience is integral to the success of your dealership, and that begins where shoppers are talking, researching, and sharing information: online.  Consumers are eager to find brands they feel a connection with, and you’ll be able to build relationships by providing your own quality content, but also by inviting online shoppers to engage, give feedback, and interact with your brand.  When you spend time focusing on the customer experience and listening to what’s said on social platforms, the result will be lasting consumer relationships for your dealership.

Considering online shoppers are taking the time to share their information and open themselves up to you, it’s critical your dealership work to personalize its interactions and experiences with customers via the insights they’re providing.  The data they are sharing is valuable information that will help your dealership succeed in a crowded and fast-paced marketplace.

Turning Data Into Personal Interactions

It’s important to show your customers you care about the things they’re sharing.  Not only are they seeking quality products in the marketplace, but they are also on the lookout for companies and businesses that are willing to go above and beyond to acknowledge them and listen to what they have to say.  By creating a meaningful online experience and focusing on building relationships, you’ll gain a loyal group of followers who have the power to boost your profits.  Use some of the following tips to help you successfully engage online consumers with your dealership:

  • Use customers’ names. This is relevant whether interactions are in person, over the phone, or online. One of the simplest things your dealership employees and salespeople can do is address customers by their names. It’s personal and it gives individuals the sense you know who they are.
  • Look up information. If your customer has taken the time to fill out a survey or reach out to you, chances are you can easily find information on what they’re looking for. Once you know a customer’s name, take the time to enter it into your CRM, make contact, and chat about specific wants and needs.
  • Connect on a personal level. With the right technology, you can use your CRM to look up social media connections a customer may have with anyone at your dealership. Use that data to your advantage by finding employee connections in your dealership and leverage relationships that already exist.
  • Acknowledge prior reviews. You have the ability to see customers’ previous reviews, so use that knowledge to your advantage. For positive reviews, take note of what customers liked and strive to repeat those experiences in the future. If you run across a negative review, be sure to respond personally and work with the customer to ensure your dealership is able to provide a more positive experience in the future.
  • Pick up where you left off. Look up your customers’ prior communication histories and keep conversations flowing instead of requiring customers to start from square one each time they interact with you. This lets them know you’re listening and making an effort to remember prior interactions.
  • Ask for opinions and feedback.  One of the best ways to get great engagement and interaction is to ask your online followers a question.  Consider topics you know are of interest or even just fun questions to elicit community responses (“Which make/model do you prefer?” or “What was your first car?”).  Once you’ve started the conversation, be sure to participate and be an online presence, so that your followers start to feel like they know you.

The data superhighway is endless, and new customer information is constantly becoming available.  In addition to providing quality content for your online audience, it’s important to focus on the overall customer experience.  You’ll be surprised at the level of engagement your dealership receives when you open yourself up to feedback, interaction, and communication. 

Your consumers are eager to communicate and let you know what they’re thinking, and by using the data shoppers provide via online social platforms, you’ll be able to create a more tailored experience for everyone.  When you strike a balance between providing great content and creating lasting relationships with consumers, your dealership will benefit by seeing loyal shoppers and increased profits.

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