Knowing all the facts about a buyer makes a desk manager's job much more effective. A more successful outcome can be engineered from discovering the customer's motivations, desires, and if there is much competition for a particular deal. Having your sales team implement the Customer Assistance Sheet in a comfortable and consistent way every time they speak with a guest will benefit everyone involved.
The customer benefits from this as well. Receiving better customer service from the dealership will always be a welcomed interaction.
To develop the Customer Assistance Sheet, put together eight to ten of the most important questions you need your sales floor team to ask each guest and put this form into a professional looking but non-intimidating document. We will be glad to assist in creating a customized form for your dealership if desired.
Practice with your team. Role-play. Demonstrate your faith in it by using it yourself. The main point is the customer should never feel like this is an interrogation. It is a conversation to discover the customer's needs. the customer's comfort level should always be monitored.
To read the entire article on the Customer Assistance Sheet, please visit our website. You may download an example of a Customer Assistance Sheet here.
For more tools and tips in sales training for the automotive, RV, or boat sales industries, don't hesitate to contact us. Let us transform your team by turning their challenges into skills!
Richard Keeney
The Mar-Kee Group
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