The Right Way To Use Auto Dealer Chat To Generate Car Sales Leads

Making the decision to have auto dealer chat on your website is considered by many successful dealers to be a great one. It enables you to interact with your website traffic and get a feel for what your customers are looking for. It isn’t enough to just have the software on your website, however. In order to generate high quality car sales leads, you have to know how to use auto dealer chat.

First and foremost you have got to have a website. This seems like a no brainer, but it also has to be a website that you encourage traffic to. Whether it’s through television commercials, PPC ads, or other marketing efforts, in order to chat with website visitors, you need to first have visitors.

Secondly, you need to decide who will be handling your car sales leads that are generated from your auto dealer chat on your dealer website. Will it be your salesmen? Will it be your internet department? Will you allow the Auto Dealer Chat provider use their own in-house support staff?

Whichever way you go, leads will be delivered to your inbox or CRM.  Someone must be responsible for these leads. Whomever it  is, it’s important that they realize that these leads are like any other lead as in they must be worked quickly.

Think about it; if you’re engaging in a chat with a visitor online, where are they? In front of their computer, usually at home or at work. If a lead is delivered to you with a contact number, it is essential that you or your designated representative make every effort to contact that lead as soon as possible.

Also something to consider is how many hours will you dedicate to auto dealer chat? Will you only have it activated during business hours when people are available to work the leads? While this is a logical approach you may want to consider that car sales leads can and will be generated in the overnight hours.

A large amount of people utilize their computers after business hours. After all, your typical customer will be someone who has a job that takes up a large part of their day. Their online shopping time may be 10 or 11 PM. Is your dealership open 24 hours? Of course not! But there are options to still capitalize on these leads as they are no less important than those who come to your site at 3PM in the afternoon.

Some auto dealer chat providers offer 24/7 fully staffed chat coverage. This way, even when your dealership closes its doors for the night, your website is still open and you do not have to pay additional staff to work difficult hours and monitor the chats. Companies like CarChat24 claim to utilize proven effective scripts for their staff to use while monitoring your website and generating your car sales leads.

As beneficial as Auto Dealer Chat is, it isn’t just a cut and dry decision. There are a lot of factors and decisions that must be considered and made before your launch your campaign. A good auto dealer chat provider will assist you in exploring your dealership and what will work best for you in order to produce the highest quality car sales leads for your money.

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