The Top Rated Car Brands by Women: How does Your Stack Up?

Today, our Women's Wednesday focuses on the ranking of the top 20 auto brands, as of July 1st, and how they are rated by women car buyers.

After analyzing the car dealer reviews written by women when purchasing a vehicle from January through June, the information below summarizes the top 20 brands by Women Satisfaction Index® scores on a scale of 5.0 (perfect) to 1.0 (lowest). The average WSI® for all brands is 4.72 during this time period.

1. Mercedez-Benz - 4.98
2. Volvo - 4.96
3. Lincoln - 4.89
4. Dodge - 4.88
5. Mitsubishi - 4.87
6 & 7. Chrysler & Jeep - 4.86
8. Buick - 4.84
9. Volkswagen - 4.83
10. Lexus - 4.82
11. Chevrolet - 4.80
12. Ford - 4.79
13. Audi - 4.78
14. Toyota - 4.74
15. Mazda - 4.72
16. GMC - 4.71
17. Honda - 4.70
18 & 19 & 20. Hyundai & Nissan & Subaru - 4.68

Did You Know?

3 in 10 women are apprehensive about their car dealership visit when buying a car. In fact, 20% feel downright overwhelmed. Top rated dealerships get the critical importance of establishing trust with their female clients the moment they walk onto the showroom floor or reach
out digitally. It is the only thing that matters to her. Price is secondary.
If rapport and respect cannot be immediately established, she will buy a vehicle elsewhere.

Congratulations to dealers that are using the Certification to distinguish and market their store! They are selling more cars and their WSI® shows how satisfied - how happy - women are when buying their car.

Our model goes beyond reputation management to an expanded level of really understanding your women clientele. Dealers with 50 reviews and more receive their own customized WSI® Dealer DATA Report that helps take guesswork out of marketing to women. Click to view Demo.


All dE members receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report. Click here.

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Comment by Anne Fleming on July 10, 2014 at 3:39pm

Brian -- its a total typo, not just a typo, but in the subject line. Thank you -- you have eagle eyes! We need you proofing!!!! 

Comment by Brian Bennington on July 10, 2014 at 3:35pm

Hi Anne,  One quick question.  In your title, I was curious why you asked "How does your stack up?"  Normally, I'd think "your" instead of "yours" was a typo, but knowing how sharp you are, I thought you might have a reason for it.  If you do, I'd love to hear it, otherwise I'll just mark it up to a lack of proofing.  Hey, it happens to everyone, but in the letters I write for others with the meter on, any typo or grammatical error could damage both my client and my business, so I have a minimum of two of my more-educated-than-me staff proof everything.  (I do make typos in things I write for fun that aren't proofed, like commenting here, but no matter how unimportant it is, I'm still mighty ashamed when I see an error in something I've written.)

As to this Women's Wednesday blog, I'm just not sure how important knowing what makes are the most popular with women effects any dealer.  After all, they sell what they sell.  Of note, your list title of "Emotions experienced...." has a typo in it, too.


Comment by Anne Fleming on July 10, 2014 at 3:34pm

Steve -- wow! I truly believe its a client by client, customer by customer engagement and sale that we can see and measure if progress is made. By the reviews and the WSI scores via our company, many many dealerships are "getting it right". Now, if we can find that formula and multiply it by 17,750 stores. 

Comment by Steve Richards on July 10, 2014 at 2:54pm

Ann, thank you for the report. That clarifies the "3 in 10" number somewhat. I believe if you asked a representative sample of potential buyers, regardless of gender, if "they were apprehensive about the automotive shopping experience" more than 30% would respond with a resounding "YES". I sent my daughter to buy a car at a store I've worked with for two years. They "rolled out the red carpet" for her and she described it as a "horrific experience".She asked me, seriously, if the suicide rate was high among car sales people. I've been in the business for 36 years and my wife still won't step inside a dealership. Sometimes I wonder if we've made any progress at all?

Comment by Anne Fleming on July 10, 2014 at 3:36am

Thanks for your comments. Here is the exact breakdown as reported by women buyers: 

Emotions expierienced when car shopping:
Excited 55.2%
Relaxed 31.8%
Apprehensive 30.7%
Confident 29.4%
Nervous 23.1%
Overwhelmed 19.7%
Intimidated 12.6%
Frustrated 9.1%
Confused 8.5%

These percentages may add up to more than 100% because respondents can submit multiple answers.

To your point, half of all women bring another person with them when they buy a car, and 78% of the time its a man that accompanies them. With that in mind, that is a critical reason why women report that their "apprehension is only 3 in 10". If that were not the case, it would be higher. 

Comment by David Ruggles on July 9, 2014 at 7:17pm

I should have read Steve's comment before posting my own.

Comment by David Ruggles on July 9, 2014 at 7:16pm

RE: "3 in 10 women are apprehensive about their car dealership visit when buying a car. In fact, 20% feel downright overwhelmed. Top rated dealerships get the critical importance of establishing trust with their female clients the moment they walk onto the showroom floor or reach out digitally. It is the only thing that matters to her. Price is secondary."

I'm surprised the 3 in 10 number is so low.  I would think it would be higher. I think the phrase describes all customers.  I don't see BMW on the list.  I thought the MINI was well regarded by women.

Comment by DealerELITE on July 9, 2014 at 6:10pm

Anne thank you for sharing

Comment by Steve Richards on July 9, 2014 at 6:09pm
Only 3 in 10 are apprehensive? I'm shocked the number is so low, unbelievably low. More men than that are "apprehensive".

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