There Are Only 86,400 Seconds In A Day-Don't Waste Them.

The importance of time is something that we must never take for granted.  As we know the time that we have here on Earth is limited and it's imperative that we don't look back over our life when we get older and say "I wish I had of."  I remember like it was yesterday a speech that Steve Jobs gave at Stanford when he said that we must live everyday like it's our last.  Living everday like it's our last will cause us to not take a second for granted due to the fact that we know it's our last.

The importance of time is also something that we must maximize in our business career also.  If you look at successful people in any industry you will see that he/she has drive, passion and is obsessed with the pursuit of being successful.  He/She didn't get there sitting around waiting on the "hope" bus they grabbed life by the horns and did wanted needed to done to be successful.

Their is a saying that a good friend always says that I love "You know why people don't lift weights is because they are heavy!!"  The average person is not willing to legally do what needs to be done to be successful.  The hours spent sharpening the saw, traveling and having people tell you no is not for the meek at heart.  It's imperative the we be obsessed with being successful and don't allow anybody or anything stand in our way...

Practice makes perfect and if we are going to take our career to the next level we must spend time before the game getting ready for the winning shot.  The college graduate that just graduated with a PHD spent time before the big game getting ready.  The football player that kicks the winning field goal spent time before the big game getting ready.  The actor that get's paid $20 million a movie spent time before the big game getting ready.

We must always remember it takes a long time to be a overnight success.  

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