Tiger vs. Phil - Which are you?

Life is full of ups and downs -- frustrations and anxiety -- and the car dealership business, as well as our personal lives are no different.

This past week we found an example of two brilliant extremes of how to handle one's business and how it reflects life.

Tiger Woods - for some reason still deemed the World's Greatest Golfer by some - imploded and wound up having one of the highest rounds of golf during a major. During his challenges, Tiger yelled, kicked and cursed on one of golf's most cherished of courses - Augusta National (the Masters).

When things didn't go his way, Tiger kicked his club, verbally assaulted the air, the ball, and anything else around -- but himself. At the end, he seemed forced to apologize for the same actions that just a year ago he said he would curb.

That year -- after he was "caught" in a landslide of personal drama that not only broke his will to play, but his relationship and wallet. It seems that some people play by their own rules until they are caught and then play the mea culpa game that we all want to believe, only to repeat again.

Can you relate?
What would your co-workers say about you?
Do you often blow up and blame everyone but yourself?
Or maybe you are too naive to think there could be anything wrong! Sound familiar?

Phil Mickelson - when things get down, he lifts his head high and keeps swinging through. Several years ago his beautiful wife Amy was diagnosed with Cancer and what does Phil do? He quits the game he loves and provides for his family to spend time with her -- brings awareness through PSA's and encourages others to find strength through his families struggles.

And when he returns to the tour, he is greeted with embraces from players to fans to sponsors.

When things on the golf course don't go his way, he is guided by a different light that says it's going going to be ok. This is just another challenge we will get through. He says -- "What can I do better?" There is no blame, there is no "so close" -- it's just about reality.

Phil and Amy are respected in the world as not just a great athletic family, but a family of values and morals that guide their every action.

Can you relate?
What would your co-workers say about you?
Do you try to understand before pointing fingers?
We are not defined by our struggles, but how we handle them?

Tiger vs. Phil -- in my eyes it's no competition. Phil would give up everything if it meant spending more time with his family. Tiger did give up everything because he spent time with everyone other then his family.

Maybe after work tonight -- for those who are in relationships -- instead of going out with the boys for Happy Hour or working late, bring some flowers home and be the best person you can be for your family, loved ones, and lead a complete life.

Todd Katcher
Digital Dealership System

c: 615.669.5244
twitter: @digitaldealers
web: www.digitaldealershipsystem.com
blog: www.fouronthefloorblog.com

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