From the home office in Barrow, Alaska... Top 10 Problems with Social Media:
10) My last “social media experiment” ended up in “stalking” charges and restraining orders
9) People can’t get the real essence of me through a computer
8) What happens when this whole internet fad dies off?
7) People never believe what they see on the internet
6) Well, wun pozitiv is nobuddy cairs to much abowt speling things rite
5) It takes so much time away from my “Angry Birds” winning streak
4) Who wants to do business with a bunch of computer nerds anyway?
3) The minute I get involved in social-media some dude from Indonesia is going to hack my account, steal all my Farmville crops and my identity and use my credit to buy a sitar or something
2) I tried computer dating once and the woman posted her senior picture from her yearbook as her profile; 18 years and a few truck loads of pork rinds later a lot changed. It’s probably the same with business on line.
1) Cold calling out of the phone book IS my social networking
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