Transparency is not an easy thing to understand, it does not mean equality

A lot of discussion about whether one lead type is better than another or whether a lead generator is hurting the car business is actually a bunch of bull.  Who cares, in the trenches it is all about taking care of customers and building relationships.  Carfax made a bold move a while back and got a lot of push back from vendors, speakers and dealers.  What they were trying to do is be CUSTOMER CENTRIC, something we all talk about but rarely accomplish.  The same thing with ZAG, their pushing of data doesn't hurt the dealer, facts are facts, let's just make sure the information is correct.  In todays world with more people embracing social media, customers are KINGS, that's right not presidents, KINGS.  What that means is regardless of how or what the lead source is don't take care of business, take care of you prospect and they will reward you many times over, even if the gross on the front side is not $2,000.00.  Remember there is always the back end which is the real money maker anyway. Want to discuss this more call me at 301.922.8311 - there are no perfect leads, only perfect customers.

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Comment by Stan Sher on December 2, 2011 at 1:30pm

I know you sold cars and you are proven in your field.  I agree with everything you said in the response.  I just know that I got lucky once and had one positive experience with Zag while having 100s of negative experiences.  I hope all is well with you.

Comment by Ray Fenster on December 2, 2011 at 1:07pm

I apologize up front, but i have sold a lot a cars using zag and other web providers and made a good living.  The fact that some dealers provide the wrong information to zag or zag provides the wrong info doesn't make or break a car deal. Prospects can get the actual cost of a vehicle online anytime they want.  Dealers need to spend their valuable resources on coaching phone skills, person to person skills and internet (social) skills.  I personally do not recommend Zag or another provider, i will leave that to thd Kain's of this world.  What i do recommend is using an all hands on line approach with all prospects and customers. On a side note Stan, have a great holiday season and let's get together soon. ray

Comment by Stan Sher on December 2, 2011 at 12:43pm

Ray, there is a lot more to it then that.  Have you ever worked a Zag deal on the front lines?  Have you had a random customer pull out the print out and you made a deal and literally lost $800 on the deal before paying our expenses?  Zag suckers dealers in.  They charge them $300 a car if it is sold.  They make the dealers look like the bad guy to the customer.  They then do in and take the dealers data from all of their transactions (not just Zag/TrueCar deals) and use it against the dealer.

"Rape???  Thank you sir may I have another."  This is what they are doing to dealers.  If they just made the playing field more even and provided a fair price so that customers are happy and dealers make a fair profit everything would be fine.

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