Jim Ziegler asks...
I am hearing a lot of discussion about True Car and ZAG. I continually scratch my head and wonder if desperate dealers are doing the marketing limbo "How Low Can You Go?"
Are we so bad at what we do that we have to line up and pay vendors to lose money? AND, who is giving these people access to your data that is used against you?
Who owns these companies and what might be their ulterior motive? Sometimes I ask questions to which I already know the answer.
Am I wrong?
What do you think... JIM
Jim Ziegler's Guidance and Recommended Action Plan:
Ten Areas We Need to Concentrate on to Bring This Monster to It's Knees...
Read this article as a reference: http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=%2F20110831%2FFIN...
AND, if you doubt the mission... read this... http://www.zag.com/websiteASSETS/whitepapers/ZAG-WhitePaper3.pdf
Be looking for some big news about TrueCar in the next couple of days.... remember I said this
Painter, the man = epitome of duplicitous behavior? I keep my dogs on my side of the fence with shock collars, after all, I feed them.
So Painter builds Carsdirect in 1998, Penske invests in 2000 and takes a position on its board,Painter sells Carsdirect, it becomes InternetBrands, Fast forward a couple of years, Painter's TC/Zag partners with DealerTrack who now partners with InternetBrands to form Chrome Data Solutions (Damond Decker post on AMD: http://www.automotivedigitalmarketing.com/profiles/blog/show?id=197...
.....Am I getting this right? It would be enlightening to see Painter & Co. on a graph, a visual aid so the brain does not have to work so hard to follow the money and more easily understand who the wolves are.
Here is a start
Painter says. "Buying a car should be more transparent. You don't have to trust the dealer anymore -- trust the data."
Painter = CarsDirect = InterentBrands>
DealerTrack/InternetBrands = Chrome Data Solutions
Painter = TC/Zag = DealerTrack>
100 pages of Comments and 21,714 views. The World Record for Views on an Automotive Social Site keeps growing. Do you think it has a chance of 30,000 views?
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Just heard from a very reliable source that CA has put in motion the steps necessary to close TC. As we've stated multiple times, the very advertising that they use is demed illegal in our state. Why it took so long to start this process is beyond your average Joe! One small step for the little dealer...one giant leap for every dealer!
I added mine, too. I'm "KeithInHou" since they can't accept my long name. Here's what I wrote: "Painter's only transparency is consumer-facing. To dealers, whom he relies on, he has repurposed sales data to push pricing in a direction that allows him to dominate the market. It's not about consumers, and it's not about dealers (for sure). It's about taking sales data and repurposing it against his dealer clients. To dealers who use TrueCar, it's like selling both your kidneys: Short-term gain for long-term extinction. Dealers don't need TrueCar, and neither do consumers. Modernization of dealers is much needed--and cars are NOT commodities. Painter just admitted that in a call with me last Friday!! You know what his REAL commodities are in this process: CONSUMERS. You're just a number, punched in for his profit, never explaining that dealers PAY him $300-$400 a car to make it "free" for consumers. A few of these a month to a dealer is like lazy waves at knee height on a beach--across thousands of dealers, it's a TSUNAMI. And that's destructive for everybody, dealers and consumers alike."
Added my $.02 on the CNN article.....
@ Bryan: Kinda' funny about that data, huh?
TrueCar is a free online service that tracks actual purchases of new cars. Unlike other car sites, it collects information from various sources in the transaction process: insurers, lenders, government records, and the 5,400 brick-and-mortar dealers in 49 states that participate in TrueCar's network. From these data, TrueCar determines average prices for any model in a given area in the past month......................I thought Painter said they did not get data from dealers?????????????????
Hey go read the Cnn Money article and look at the comments below where I posted right on the article.
Taken from Cnn Money Magazine article today
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