By now, you have already set up a business website. You are tweeting about anything and everything that comes to mind. You talk about the new inventory you have on your lot, the service specials your dealership is offering, the weather and even about your cat. After all this is said and done, you still have a handful of followers and hardly any interaction with them.

Based on research information hosted on the MIT website you may not be maximizing your potential. About 1400 users provided their ratings for 43000 tweets. The results of their findings were interesting to say the least.

The results were as under:
·         36 % - worth reading
·         29 % - not worth reading
·         39 % - were OK
This means, the users on Twitter are open to tweets that are not directly related to them. It also means they would read tweets about inventory and your dealership even if they are not actively in the market to buy a new or used car.


To read about the Do's and Dont's of Twitter Click Here

If you would like to use our automated twitter solution for inventory feeds, check out our

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Comment by Smit Shah on April 25, 2012 at 11:55am

The stats are for Twitter users only. The expectation of users on Facebook is different that the expectation users from Twitter. If you were to post a "We have a deal" in twitter, people see it as a Billboard ad.

If you put that on a Facebook wall, people see it as a piece of direct mail. Its not the content, its the context.

Comment by Nannette Staropoli on April 25, 2012 at 10:45am

Interesting stats, Smit -

As is the case with all social platforms on which we participate, we need to consider the perspective of our fans and followers - "If I saw this post, would it interest me?" "If someone tweeted this video or link, would I be inclined to click it?" So important to identify your audience and put in the extra effort to really engage!

Thanks for sharing the link!

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