Using Instagram to Boost SEO – Useful Tips for the Uninitiated

The principal reasons why brands take to the social media are to enhance brand awareness, engage with customers and followers, and build brand loyalty. However, it is quite evident that they can use social media to also make their SEO more effective even though Google has denied that it factors in social media in its page rankings. Some useful tips:

Find out How Many People Are Clicking on the Instagram Bio-Link

Instagram allows you to insert only one link and that too only in the bio section. It is impossible to know the number of visitors unless a special tracking code is added to the Instagram link. Use an URL shortening service to create a short and customized link incorporating your brand name that has more resonance with the followers.

Change the Link in Bio Regularly

Instagram does not allow the luxury of inserting links to each of the pages of your website that you wish to promote. Therefore, you need to keep on changing the bio link as frequently as you change your campaigns or whenever you feel the need to promote certain pages of your site. Use the bio link to strategically point your Instagram followers to different product pages, landing pages or even white papers or articles you wish to popularize. If you are not sure when to change the link, just think of it as a CTA or a bridge to a superior ROI, and things will automatically fall into place.

Make the Location a Powerful CTA

Instagram allows you to customize the location every time you post on Instagram and the location is displayed just below the username but above the shared image. You can, of course, geotag the images you publish but if that were not possible for certain images, you can very easily use the provided space as a CTA just by physically typing in the location. Since you are not required by Instagram to verify the existence of the location, this technique works very well to increase the engagement levels.

Boost Your Domain Authority by Establishing Your Brand on Instagram

The volume of searches increases dramatically when a brand hits the headlines or people start talking about it among themselves, in the media or online. As is natural, when the volume of searches increases, this activity is picked up as a signal to the search engines, which also gets corroboration with the increase in the traffic to the website. When this happens consistently, it serves to increase the domain authority that in turn acts to drive up the page ranks being an important factor in Google’s ranking system.


While it is very important to understand that SEO cannot be directly influenced by Instagram activity, it is also true that by optimizing your Instagram account, you can make it possible for more people to discover your content, talk about it, search for it, share links, and generate web traffic.The general buzz that is created around your brand does not go totally unnoticed by Google when allocating page rankings.

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