Over the years, as customers have sought out the internet to research, shop and buy cars, a void has been created between customers and sales professionals -- removing a human element from much of the upfront process. Many dealers and sales professionals are now bridging that gap with the help of personal branding.

Somewhere along the way, CRM and other systems lost sight of the fact that customers are more than “leads”, “shoppers”, and “potential buyers”; they are human beings.

Humans are innately complex, emotional, and social. We consist of many great characteristics but are also susceptible to weaknesses.

Thus, sellers and customers are two of a kind. They need each other in order to have their goals met.

The seller wants to solve a problem and the customer wants their problem to be solved.

Customers, as we know, have all the access to pricing, make and model, and options information. Once they have decided on a car, the next choice customers are making is what dealer, which salesperson, and what experience they want.

Customers pay attention to reviews and ratings, but that alone isn’t enough for customers to make a clear buying choice with no reservations or hesitation. This is where a personal branding strategy can help your dealership.

Personal branding is about going back to basics, focusing on similarities, and by making humanity the foundation of your brand.

Let’s think of a personal brand as being similar to that of a living being, which relies heavily on whether or not humans like or dislike what the brand provides.

Although you are the designer of your brand, it is the customer who defines it.

Customers are the breath of personal brands and they are who determines whether or not a brand lives or dies based on the brand's ability to resonate with them.

"70% of buying experiences are based
on how the customer feels
they are being treated." (Source: McKinsey)

Having a personal brand is not about selling. It’s about providing value, indispensable information, positive experiences, and to build meaningful, lasting relationships. Sharing your sales rep’s brand using social media, having customers connect directly with your sales reps creates an advantage for the overall dealer. We have seen personal branding strategies reduce dealership turnover by 50% and create an enhanced experience in the store.

Let’s be clear about this, the overall goal of branding is to make sales, but to do so in a way that consumers do not feel like they are being sold..

Instead, customers want to feel in control of their buying decisions, which are based on the trust created between you and them through your personal brand.

Adding humanity to how you create and convey your personal brand will make a huge difference in how you interact with your customers.

Your personal brand should offer compassion, feelings, kindness, consideration, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, and benevolence.

Customers buy cars from people they like; we have always known this. We have also known that in the absence of a great experience or sales person relationship, the only other deciding factor for customers is price.

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