We're Going to Wait Until After the Holidays!

Here are a few scripts that you can implement immediately while speaking with prospects and while working a deal. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! 

Customer on the showroom while working a deal:

We're going to wait until after the holidays?

Dealer Synergy Partner: I understand. So based off of your experience today, would this be the vehicle you're considering to purchase after the holidays? 

Customer: Yes it is.

Dealer Synergy Partner: And based on the numbers we were able to work out, will this vehicle fit your budget as we discussed?

Customer: Yes it does.

Dealer Synergy Partner: So other than wanting to wait until after the holidays, is there anything else holding you back from making a decision to move forward with the purchase of this vehicle today?

Customer: No, we just want to wait until after the holidays.

Dealer Synergy Partner: I understand. So what would be the difference between if you did it now versus waiting till after the holidays?

Customer: With the holidays we just want to save money and don’t want to spend any additional money.

Dealer Synergy Partner: That makes total sense to me. I’m a lot like you and agree with saving money. So with saving you money and not having you spend any additional money today, it would be safe to say you’d like move forward with the purchase of your new vehicle, correct?

Customer on the phone not wanting to come in:

Dealer Synergy Partner: What will be the best time for you to come in today, the afternoon or evening?

Customer: We're going to wait until after the holidays?

Dealer Synergy Partner: I understand. So in waiting, what would be the difference between if you came in now versus waiting till after the holidays?

Customer: With the holidays we just want to save money and don’t want to spend any additional money right now.

Dealer Synergy Partner: That makes total sense to me. I’m a lot like you and agree with saving money. As a matter of fact, we’re running time sensitive sales right now through the holidays, saving you more money now and before the holidays, then later after the holidays. With that being your main goal, sooner will definitely benefit you more than later, wouldn’t you agree?

Customer: Yes

Dealer Synergy Partner: So then would this afternoon or evening work best for you come in and receive your maximum savings? 

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