What is the “Level of Expectation”?? (Part 3 of 4) – F&I/Business Manager

In (Part 1) of this blog, we talked about the experience you receive when you go to a restaurant for lunch.


In (Part 2) of this blog, we talked about the “Level of Expectation” process in your Sales Department.


Now….lets talk about setting the “Level of Expectation” in your Dealership’s F&I/Business Manager Process.


The “Level of Expectation” allows you to guide your customer through a series of steps that are clearly outlined for their understanding and review.


Your customer will know exactly WHAT will happen, WHAT ORDER it will happen in, HOW LONG it will take and the information they will RECEIVE to make an intelligent purchasing decision in a TIMELY fashion!!


Today’s customers demand a process that is both professional and transparent!


Today’s customers also want the process to go as quickly as possible!


F&I/Business Manager processes vary from dealership to dealership throughout the country.


Let’s outline an example of an F&I/Business Manager process and how to set the “Level of Expectation for your customer and employees!




Upon completion with the selling of the vehicle with all of the appropriate purchase and sales agreements signed, your F&I/Business Manager comes out onto the showroom floor to execute a “pre-interview” with the customer.


The pre-interview allows the F&I/Business Manager to get acquainted with the customer.


However, the customer has very little idea of what will happen going forward. Let’s give the customer that information!


The F&I/Business Manager, during the pre-interview, begins to set the level of expectation of what will happen from this point forward.



  • Loading computer with customers personal data – 10 minutes
  • Dealership and customer reviewing Motor Vehicle/Title Paperwork – 5-10 minutes
  • Dealership and customer reviewing optional products – 5-15 minutes
  • Dealership and customer reviewing Finance/Lease documents and contracts -  15-25 minutes


The F&I/Business Manager can then relate to the customer what is going to transpire at how long it should take, (35-60 minutes to go through all the steps completely)


DON’T let your customer get frustrated and upset by “thinking” that the process is taking too long!


Remember, the customer has no idea of what the process is or how long it takes unless YOU tell them. And isn’t a calmer customer more easy to speak with than an upset and frustrated customer??


Will you have point of sale material around your showroom to aide your team in conveying your Dealerships F&I/Business Manager processes to the customer?


  • Banners
  • Table toppers
  • Posters
  • Video explanations on Salespersons computers
  • Video explanations on F&I/Business Mangers computers
  • Video explanations on your Dealership website



By providing a “Level of Expectation” in your F&I/Business Manager’s office it will do two things.


  1. It will give the customer a clear and professional expectation of what will transpire on their visit and how long it will take.


  1. Your F&I/Business Manager will clearly, professionally and consistently give the same exact presentation and process to all of the customers.



By setting the “Level of Expectation”, your Dealership will quickly become proficient, consistent and professional!




About the Author: With 30 years in the retail Automotive Industry, from a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of the automotive environment.


You can follow me on:


My website: www.JimKristoff.com  

Twitter: @jimkristoff

WordPress blogsite: http://jimkristoff.wordpress.com/

Blogspot blog: http://jimkristoff.blogspot.com/

DealerElite.net: http://www.dealerelite.net/profile/JimKristoff

LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkristoff  

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/jimkristoff

Views: 112


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Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 14, 2011 at 1:39pm
Thanks Bobby!
Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 14, 2011 at 11:25am

Thanks Joe!

The "secrets" are already out there.

It just requires the intestinal fortitude to actually lead it and hold people accountable!

Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 14, 2011 at 11:24am

Thanks Stephanie!

If you work smart AND hard.....the rewards are endless!!

Comment by Joe Clementi on September 14, 2011 at 10:57am

Simply put, it works!  Your blog is on spot again (we've come to expect that) with clear directives to improve the customers experience.  We've been using an introduction video for years and it does improve the expectations when the customer goes into F&I.  Performing an interview and showing the video reduces stress. 

Excellent share...try not to give away too many secrets though :)

Comment by Stephanie Young on September 14, 2011 at 10:51am
Now that is working smarter and not harder.
Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 14, 2011 at 9:59am

Thanks Marsh!

Pre-interview is the key!

It is the difference between having 5 minutes to prepare to overcome an objection vs. having 10 seconds to overcome the objection!

Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 14, 2011 at 9:57am
Thanks Aaron!
Comment by Marsh Buice on September 14, 2011 at 9:08am
Right on big guy! I love the pre-interview 1, to check cust temperature and 2 to make them more at ease and not so formal when they come into f&i. I become marsh and not my position. Keep rolling brother
Comment by aaron kominsky on September 14, 2011 at 8:28am
Excellent blog Jim  right on the money!

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