Today’s Women's Wednesday is going to focus on what it is women really want when buying a car.

What Women Want, starring Mel Gibson, was a great movie about an ad executive, who, after an injury, had the ability to read women’s minds. He could do wondrous things with that power. Knowing what women car buyers want is crucial for dealerships to be successful in today’s market.

Female customers are the fastest growing buying segment. They buy over 75,000 cars a day at new and used dealerships.

Did You Know?

1. Trust is the #1 reason women buy from their sales associate. Price is important, too, but is secondary to trust and respect.
2. Despite the fact that there is a brand dealership closer to her home, 65% of women report they are travelling farther to another dealership to buy.
3. Women shop at 2 dealerships before buying a vehicle. When women leave and do not buy, two-thirds do NOT return. First impressions count.

What Do Women Really Want?
While each woman has her own unique set of circumstances, needs and wishes, there are two key things they universally want:

1. Acknowledgment & Trust
Women want an empowering dealership experience so that they are fully satisfied with the decision they make without any regrets. They want to be greeted pleasantly and respectfully upon entering the dealership; not overlooked by the sales advisor – even when they say that are ‘just looking’. This gives them the confidence to proceed with this same dealership when they purchase.

Likewise, when a friendly sales advisor welcomes women, this instantly develops into a rapport. Rapport typically transforms into trust in just a moment or two. Women feel empowered when they are heard. This tends to win their loyalty and they reward the dealership with a purchase.

2. Dealer Reputation
Women want to get their buying decision right so they research a dealer’s reputation and credibility before they visit. Women especially appreciate reading the reviews and experiences from other women – it means more to them. Distinguish your dealership on more than price alone– having the “best” price is no longer the sole motivator with women.

You don’t have to go as far as Mel Gibson and put on mascara and panty hose to “know what women want.”

For more on What Women Want When Buying, Click here.


As the Big Data Authority on women’s dealership experiences, we invite you to download our free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report: Click here.

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Comment by Anne Fleming on June 13, 2014 at 9:06pm

Sharon -- the good news? You are in a heck of alot of company with other women doing business in the service lane! Wifi is the second most request "service" item just behind a concierge vehicle. Make requests like you just line listed to your own personal dealership, Sharon -- let them know how YOU want to do business. 

Comment by Sharon Hill on June 12, 2014 at 2:20pm

I want a great service department that lets me schedule online, has an efficient wifi/plug in waiting room, and texts me specials and notices of time for check up etc. I don't want to waste time on phone calls and hold buttons. 

Comment by Anne Fleming on June 11, 2014 at 8:56pm

Brian -- you are the best and i so appreciate your comments. The nitty - gritty? I am not sure what that means, but will do my best to address. First, we do not track the dealership experiences and behaviors of men, so unfortunately, we have nothing to report on in that area. Second, you may be very much correct that acknowledgment and trust may be the same triggers for men - I cannot say. We report on the facts and data on women's experiences- straight from their reviews, that is it my friend, there is no hold out, no aces, no fingers crossed behind the back. 

We have a lot of data and we share it -- here on DE!

Thanks Brian. 

Comment by Brian Bennington on June 11, 2014 at 8:37pm

Greetings, Anne.  It must be Wednesday because you're here!  When I read this week's "Women's Wednesday" title, I thought "Now Anne's gonna get down to the real nitty-gritty!"  But, while I'm sure women appreciate trust and acknowledgment during their automobile purchasing experience, especially when it's reinforced with positive dealer reviews, I'm confident men like the same.

Come on, Anne....  Quit teasing me!  I've been asking you for months to share a few of those special qualities that only a woman would appreciate in their car buying.  The kind of things a woman would enjoy, but would never get you to first base with a male customer.  You know a thousand times more about this than I do, so I'll keep reading with the hope you'll eventually surrender and shed some real light this.

Of note, I did watch your interview about your company on what's-his-name's podcast.  It was really informative and made an excellent case for your services.  Good job! 

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