Have you ever noticed that some of the most inspired people that you ever meet are the ones that have been challenged the most. Sometimes they are born with something that sets them apart from the crowd, others have accidents that bring about a change. Some are born in war torn parts of the world. The stories are endless of the successes that they achieve.

   My story falls into the second category. Mine was a head injury on August 14 almost 16 years ago. It was just another bike ride that went wrong. It was my wake up call. The understanding that we were not going to be around forever became real in the following days.

   It did take some time for me to start to put things right. But you find ways to make up time. You write new rules for your life. You challenge yourself to set yourself apart everyday. And you don't hide from the challenges that are to come.

   The song "Live Like You Were Dying" puts things into good prospective in my book. If you read my blog on a regular basis this may explain why I challenge people so much to live a full and happy life. It may be why my attitude is so important to me. And why I have such a passion for life.

   Thanks letting me share and for being part of my story!

Now go out and challenge yourself today!

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