Who is facilitating your Coaching?


There are literally thousands of coaches out there…with their own slant or insight… on what is the correct way of doing things…


My question is this…


Does their coaching align exactly with what your core values and culture are all about??


So the REAL question is….who is facilitating YOUR coaching??


Shouldn’t it be facilitated by the people you have hired to run your organization??


And if the coaching IS being run by those individuals…what training do they have??


Again…who is facilitating your coaching??


Are they doing it legally…ethically and morally correct??


What is their level of competence??


What makes them the “expert” on this subject??


As you can see…designing…developing…and deploying a successful coaching program… can be like navigating a minefield….


To get through in one piece…you’ll need a coach that is experienced…dedicated…and capable of effective leadership…


Too often…coaches and the way they coach…waste a lot of time…


Here is what a coaching agenda should look like….


Number one…why are we here today??


The coach needs to simply state the content of the coaching …and why it is needed…


Number two…What value will you get out of this session…and how will you be able to use it immediately…in your environment…


In other words…this is how you can do your job… better and now….


And number three…what specifically will you learn…and what will we do in this session to help you apply it…


Or simply…here are the ingredients to success… and this is how you do it…


This straight forward…no nonsense agenda…will keep everyone focused and ready for the coaching …


Great leaders are great simplifiers…


And so are great coaches…


A great coach…knows his or her subject thoroughly…


A great coach is always learning and educating themselves more and more on a daily basis…


People that attend coaching classes want to learn something new…they want all of their questions answered…and all of their objections…overcome…


If the person that is facilitating the coaching …does not make the coaching …fun…interactive…positive…and worthwhile…the coaching is a waste of time…


So I ask you once again…who is facilitating your coaching??


Do you even have a coaching program in place??


Is coaching being done on a daily basis??


There are so many questions….but there is only one answer….


You need to make sure that you have the best coaches… and a straight forward agenda to maximize your businesses ability….to go forward…


To see a video os this blog, please go to the following link:


Jim Kristoff video - Who is facilitating your Coaching?



About the Author: With 30 years in the retail Automotive Industry, from a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of an automotive environment. You can follow me on my website, www.JimKristoff.com, on twitter @jimkristoff, my WordPress blogsite  http://jimkristoff.wordpress.com/ ,on LinkedIn  http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkristoff or on youtube, www.youtube.com/user/jimkristoff


Views: 65


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Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 5, 2011 at 3:49pm

@ Travis..........Coaching and training are one in the same.


I think individuals would rather hear that they are being "coached" rather than "trained". You "train" your dog, you "coach" people......I think there is a subtle distinction between the two words....

Comment by Travis Twomey on August 5, 2011 at 3:31pm


Good questions for good coaching and training.  I am curious about how you would describe the distinctions between coaching and training.


Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 4, 2011 at 6:27pm

Fran.....Thanks for your comments!!

Too many Managers just "wing it" in meetings....no doubt!!

Comment by Fran Taylor on August 4, 2011 at 6:19pm
Great info about coaching Jim.  In a class room people want to know what is so great about you that I should listen, Who have you helped by doing this and what's in it for me. Answer those correctly and up front and you just have earned the right to coach or train them. Now the fun starts by staying a little humble and just being a car guy/gal. Have to agree with you again about a planned meeting or training. A lot of managers have a meeting just to have a meeting with little or no training or coaching. Yet the best do this every day with a purpose in mind. Good one Jim.
Comment by Stephanie Young on August 4, 2011 at 2:27pm
Proof is how you prepare the punch.....smile.
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 4, 2011 at 1:02pm

Stephanie......The only way to get through to those who "hope" their way into a profit is to relentlessly keep showing them what they are missing!

If they don't dominate their market share, have glowing customer reviews, run at 30% net to gross or 5% net to sales, have written processes that are flawlessly carried out, have happy and loyal employees and continue to retain ALL of their customers.......THEN....they may see what they are missing!!

Comment by Stephanie Young on August 4, 2011 at 12:52pm
Jim, I completely agree.  I have climb on top of my soap box many a times with that message.  Hope only becomes a factor when it is matched with action.  It is a painful train wreak to watch over and over again.  So, how do we stop the bleeding?  How do we motivate dealerships to engage in real coaching and not just the thought of it?
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 4, 2011 at 12:41pm
Stephanie......The Dealerships that DON'T engage in consistent coaching run through many Managers and Salespeople in an effort to "hope" their way to profit.....
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 4, 2011 at 12:39pm

Thanks Bobby!

Too often Dealerships do NOT have either good coaches or a REAL agenda to go forward!

Comment by Stephanie Young on August 4, 2011 at 12:21pm
So, what do you do for the organization that does not engage in coaching?  I often run into salutations in which there are the best intentions for coaching but a road block in actualizing the coaching.  The road blocks vary from client to client, but they all seem to have the same affect.....a stop in moving the game forward.

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