First of all, Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone!


Now…..why are so many of you “laboring” so hard out there?


Why is it that so many managers today have to do more with less, and get better results from limited resources, more than ever before??


All of this while many companies are maintaining or increasing their levels of productivity and quality with fewer people, but with people who are better selected, better organized, and better managed??



It all comes down to 2 simple principles.


Rule number one: Your life only gets better when you get better. 


Rule number two: Your people only get better when you get better.



How can you lead anyone till you first lead yourself?


How can you motivate someone else till you first motivate yourself?


How can you inspire someone else till you first inspire yourself?


Stop “laboring” around and start making yourself someone that people want to follow, get motivated and inspired by!!


If you don’t get yourself better every single day, without fail with NO exceptions, you and your team will “labor” your way through life!


STOP “laboring” and take ACTION NOW!



And……make sure you grill enough hot dogs for everyone on the team!




About the Author: With 30 years in the retail Automotive Industry, from a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of the automotive environment.


You can follow me on:


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Twitter: @jimkristoff

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Views: 80


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Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 2, 2011 at 10:07am
Thanks Stephanie!
Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 2, 2011 at 10:07am

Thanks Marsh!


Comment by Stephanie Young on September 2, 2011 at 9:51am
Short, sweet and to the point....just the way I like it!!!  Working smarter and not harder!!!
Comment by Marsh Buice on September 2, 2011 at 9:10am
Dont tell me about the labor pains, show me the baby! Conceive what you wish to achieve! Gr8 post brother

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