Have you ever heard this phrase??


In every conversation…someone is buying…and some one is selling…


Let me repeat that…


In every conversation…someone is buying…and some one is selling…


It could be a simple conversation that you are having with a friend…


You could be discussing what movie you would like to go to…


You are trying to sell…your viewpoint… on why you want to see a particular movie…


Hopefully your friend…is buying… what you are selling…


It happens… with nearly every single conversation you have in life…


So…as a leader…and a coach…your life’s mission… must be to never let coaching end…


Everyday…in your position as coach…your employees will talk with you…interact with you…ask you questions…


Your job as a coach is to…mentor…train…guide…challenge and set them on a path for success…


It is a never ending journey…


To take any individual…company…or team to the top…you can’t treat employees as…digits…or just another number…


That is why I dislike the term...”human resources”…


I prefer the term…”human assets”


You will NEVER attain the goals and aspirations of the organization…until you truly invest in the coaching of your people…


Leadership by example…is most crucial in coaching…


Coaching leaders lose credibility…when they cannot practice what they preach…


This means that coaching leaders…should be well organized…highly competent in the field…communicates openly and encourages feedback…and has a clear understanding of the organizations visions…missions…and goals…


Coaching as a leadership style…requires that you are physically…emotionally…and mentally fit…ALL of the time…


Your team members expect you…to be the last one to give up or bail out in any situation…especially during times of crisis…


Here are a couple of things a good coach needs to do…


First of all…you need to…


Ask questions…and don’t give the answers


Raise expectations…and look to where they can be…


Identify the skills that need to be learned or strengthened…


Clarify the link…between the short term project…and the long term goal…


Focus on developing the person or team…not the scoreboard…


You see…coaching never ends…NEVER…


In every conversation…you have someone buying…and someone selling…


To see a video of this blog, go to the following link:


Why Coaching never ends!


About the Author: With 30 years in the retail Automotive Industry, from a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of an automotive environment. You can follow me on my website, www.JimKristoff.com, on twitter @jimkristoff, on LinkedIn  http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkristoff or on youtube, www.youtube.com/user/jimkristoff



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Comment by Andrew Compton on July 20, 2011 at 1:55pm
"I'll put you through hell, but at the end of it all we'll be champions." Bear Bryant.
Comment by Jim Kristoff on July 20, 2011 at 8:32am

Thanks Marsh!

here is a link to Cufflinks.com for those cufflinks!


Comment by Marsh Buice on July 20, 2011 at 8:22am
Great post Jim, it is obvious by your posts what a leader you are! Coaching has a boomerang effect, what u put into ur team will always come back to the leader and show in the results. Well done.

Ps where can i get those cufflinks! Ive gotta get some
Comment by John Fuhrman on July 20, 2011 at 7:44am



Great article.  A true coach is a leader.  In my book, "Leading Leaders to Leadership," I focus on the power of what many call servant leadership.  In the car business it's called setting the example.  What better way to coach than to say, "Been there, done that, let me show you."  And then do it.  When salespeople know they can count on you to go into any situation, it gives them confidence to stretch their skills.  Once they have the confidence that you would never share anything that you didn't believe would work, and that you are ready to show them ona live customer, they begin to "follow the real leader."

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