Why I absolutely love unsubscribes my from email list and you should too!

I absolutely love unsubscribes my from email list!

They are amazing, and I high five my team whenever I get some!


Because it means I’m getting noticed!

Let’s think about it… You only unsubscribe from things that you notice. You would only take the time to unsubscribe from my list if I had been sending you so much stuff it either started to become annoying, or the content was relevant to you.

Do I want to send so many emails that I annoy the people who see value in my content? No not entirely. But then if you find a few blogs, a few 3 minute videos every week annoying, you’re probably not the person I want to work with, because I only want to work with people that want to be great!

Here is my latest report from my email database in the past 7 days.

14 people unsubscribed….Only 14 in 7 days! I’m disappointed...

The reason why I’m sharing this with you is because I remember as a sales manager I would get about 3 calls per year from customers saying their salesperson was calling and emailing them too much and it became over the top. 3 per year.

But unfortunately everyday, I’d get at least 1 call a day from customers saying they hadn’t heard from their salesperson.

In other words, 365 people were saying they wanted more communication, and 3 were telling me they had too much.

What’s the message? We’ve got to follow up more!

You have to get noticed if you want to sell! If you aren’t being noticed, if people don’t know who you are, if you don’t have enough contacts in you CRM system you won’t sell enough.

What I do on email and social media is called information based selling. In other words, I provide value for free to my subscribers, so that one day you will want to buy something.

If you don’t use this technique in your sales and marketing plan, you need to.

9 out of 10 pieces of my communication is about providing value

1 out of 10 is about selling something.

Copy this model!

Here are 2 things I want to encourage you with:

1/ For every 1 unsubscriber, all I need is to have 1 person that does business with me and I’m laughing

2/ I have to build my list double as fast as I lose it!

In other words, how do I ensure I get 28 people in my database now this week?

Please do me a favour. If you don’t read these or get value from my stuff, you may as well unsubscribe. But if you want to be great at sales, don’t just read these emails or tag them to read later, but get involved in every resource, watch the videos, apply them and be great in sales!

Great selling!

Dave Benson

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