If we're not friends on Facebook, we should be. (http://facebook.com/carchat24.katie). I tend to share lots of inspirational stuff that I find all over the internet. I like the status updates that you make that I enjoy. I comment on your statuses. I'm very textually active on Facebook. Twitter too. Moreso Facebook.
But you'll notice on the bottom of my default photo, there's a logo. A logo for CarChat24. I'm proudly a member of the CarChat24 Team. But I don't mention it often. Sometimes I think I should, but other times I think "Well, people know where I work, if they need me, they'll contact me".
I don't want to be that friend who always pops up in your feed with a new reason of the day that you should have Live Chat on your Dealer Website. I mean, YOU SHOULD, and I'll tell you sometimes, but there is such a thing as overkill.
I have a unique voice. I'm not saying I'm the best writer in the world (that's J.D. Salinger. Duh.), but I know that I have a voice that is a bit different. More raw and uncensored (within reason). THAT'S what I want to be known for. I want to make you laugh. I want to inspire you. I want to share in your dealership's triumphs, and help push you back up when you have a tough month. It's just in my nature.
I also want you to have Live Chat on your website. Just sayin'.
And since I don't share all of the reasons you need Live Chat, or the details of CarChat24, I thought I'd do so now. In true Katie style.
What is CarChat24?
CarChat24 provides Live Chat services to dealerships all over the US and Canada.
Why do you need CarChat24?
Your website is naked without a live chat function. Because the staff is amazingly good at what they do. The company was started by car dealers. They know what dealers want, they know what dealers need, and they're dedicated to the function and success of your website.
Here's the thing. I have a few freelance clients that I work for. I can't fathom working for any company or cause that I don't believe in.
I adore CarChat24. I kind of want to open a dealership so I can have live chat on the website. Because, I mean, think about it. People are coming on your dealership website because you have what they want. If no one is there to greet them, then: A) How do you know they were there B) How do you answer their questions. Your showroom isn't left unattended during business hours, is it?
Neither should your website during business hours, which thanks to the wonderful Internet, is 24/7/365.
So, clearly, I'm totally invested in what the company offers. Plus, the owners aren't those kind of owners who just hire a ton of people and never communicate. I hear from the owners 3-4 times a week. They aren't vacationing on sunset beaches, they're working. All day and all night long.
So, true to form, let's summarize:
Yes, I work for CarChat24
No, I don't promote it all day
Yes, we should be Facebook Friends (And like our fan page, of course!)
No, I won't spam you.
Yes, you should have CarChat24. Contact us!
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