In order to Own your online Automotive Social Media real estate you must first understand how to build your list of social media properties. One of the most common mistakes I see in Facebook fan pages that exist, but have not been branded. If your fan page is not branded yet, here are the steps. If you have spent the time to build a fan page and following you should at least own the real estate.
Before you select your URL on Facebook remember
Your "vanity URL" can only be selected 1 time.
This way the url could be for example
The process is as follows:
Before you start the process here are a few things that need to be in place.
One: You need to have admin access to the fan page
Two: The account must be a verified account
Three: You need to choose a name for the page that is available
After you have selected the name you can never change it
There are a few restrictions as well
The name must adhere to facebook's statement or rights and responsibilities.
Choose a name you will be happy with long-term
Usernames can only contain alpha numeric characters (a-Z, 0-9) or a period.
If you own the rights to a given name make it your username so others can't use it.
Create a username that is as close as possible to your business name.
Step One Choose your name
Example :
Go to
Remember that you can only set the name one time!!!!!!!
You can now use the new URL to promote your fan page and grow your business.....
Social Media 101
Video :Video :
If you have questions, I can help!!!!!!!!!!
Ian Nethercott
Performance consultant
Proactive Dealer Solutions
1 877 452 2753
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