You're not a leader unless someone wants to follow you

The boss drives men, the leader coaches them. The boss depends upon authority, the leader depends on goodwill. The boss inspires fear, the leader inspires enthusiam. The boss says "I", while the leader says, "We". The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown, while the leader fixes the breakdown. The boss knows how its done, while the leader show's how. The boss says, "Go." and the leader says, "Let's Go."


A friend of mine posted this little quote on his Facebook and I wanted to share it. So often we work hard to excel so we can be the "Boss" and have the authority to to "make" things happen or "make" people do things the way that we think are the best.


Someone smarter than me once said: "You're not a leader unless people WANT to follow you."


Just a question for everyone in a leadership role today:


Are you a Leader or "the Boss".

One more thing, here's a funny little video "Like a Boss" by Lonely Island


NOTE: The language in the video does contain material that may not be suitable for all viewers so please do not play it in your showroom or in front of children or those easily offended.

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Comment by Tim Pendergast on September 7, 2011 at 3:42pm
That is an awesome quote! If more managers would read and Listen to this our business would take leaps and bounds!
Comment by Marsh Buice on September 7, 2011 at 2:46pm
Be the "we" not the "me" ...Leaders take ownership of the failure and share the victories with the team.

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