Do you have a CRM? Did you know that, on average, most major CRMs only see usage of 25%?

Let that sit there for a minute. You pay 100% but you . . . use 25%.

Is it your fault? Maybe. Likely. Sure.

  • Your salespeople won’t use it.
  • And you won’t make them.

And so you pay 100% of the bill for 25% product every month. 12 times a year.

And you make less sales and less money with this low CRM usage. And your customer experience isn’t managed in your sales process, so your CSI is likely less than it could be, too.

Why accept that? What if you asked your C-R-M company to make their product more U-S-A-B-L-E?

Would you even know what to ask? Turns out that 65% of the people managing dealerships today never used a CRM themselves when they sold cars. That’s over 2/3 for us “E-Z Math” folks.

If your management actually used the CRM, right from the top, then it would be more used by the salespeople. Makes sense, right? Soldiers go where they’re led.

However, that real usage of 80% or 90% will very likely show you something that you won’t like: You’ll realize that your CRM that isn’t working for you. Issues. Broken reports. Can’t properly desk a deal. You’ll find that you have the hot sports body on a Pinto powertrain.

Yep. Your C-R-M is a D-U-D. Lipstick on a pig. And so on.

Guess what? That’s still your fault. It’s your fault that you don’t know this, because you allowed lack of usage by YOU and your SALES STAFF to hide this problem. So you could pay 100% for 25% usage and 100% failure.

Go figure out what you really HAVE in your CRM. You spend the money every month, now spend the time. And, if you realize it sucks, then go get one that doesn’t. They exist. And they might even be less expensive.

Regardless, the most expensive CRM is the one you don’t use. And the most profitable CRM is the one you DO.

Go make that happen!

by Keith Shetterly, VP of Drive360 CRM
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