Another night of being up late...thinking about work, personal life, work...and of course this whole TrueCar debate. I'm not sure if this it's a good or bad thing that for the past two hours I…
BlogTrueCar Thoughts from Elise Kephart15 LikesTRUE CAR and ZAG Cyber Bandits, Parasites or Good for the Car Business?
Jim Ziegler asks...
I am hearing a lot of…
BlogTRUE CAR and ZAG Cyber Bandits, Parasites or Good for the Car Business?51 LikesTrueCar sales processBlogTrueCar sales process16 LikesTruecar is here right now. How do you deal with it?
I have been reading about truecar over the last week or so. There have been strong opinions on each side of the issue. The reality is truecar is here for now and probably will not be going away…
BlogTruecar is here right now. How do you deal with it?5 LikesKeith ShetterlyMemberKeith Shetterly9 LikesStan SherMemberStan Sher8 LikesJerry ThibeauMemberJerry Thibeau6 LikesJames A. ZieglerMemberJames A. Ziegler21 Likes
November 2011
Invite a Friend FRIDAYSeventInvite a Friend FRIDAYS24 Likes