What's in it for the Salesperson?videoWhat's in it for the Salesperson?1 LikeGratitude: A Heart ConditionAll...
I had the opportunity to work with a local pharmacy delivering prescription medication to several needy patients in our community. The experience was unnerving. It made me confront some ugly…DiscussionGratitude: A Heart Condition5 LikesWhen and How to Say Goodbye....Let's "assume" you hire the right salesperson/employee etc.You train them,you try to motivate,inspire,encourage them,give them opportunity and tools.At what point do YOU "cut your loss,cut them loose…DiscussionWhen and How to Say Goodbye....1 LikeAutoMax Recruiting and Training"How to Build…videoAutoMax Recruiting and Training"How to Build…2 LikesBrain Food: Happy New Year!! (AGAIN)videoBrain Food: Happy New Year!! (AGAIN)2 LikesAutoMax Recruiting And TrainingvideoAutoMax Recruiting And Training1 LikeAutomotive F and I ManagerAutomotive F and I Manager
SALARY: OTHER: Six-figure income potential! CB 1: Automotive F and I Manager
Are you an experienced sales professional?Are you struggling to find the career that i…DiscussionAutomotive F and I Manager1 LikeIndustry Language.....Really,why do we still…An "Up" is someone who walks on the car lot. A customer!
A "Beback" is a customer who leaves without buying, and comes back at a later date.
A "Laydown" is a customer who buys at whatever…DiscussionIndustry Language.....Really,why do we still…3 LikesAn excerpt from The Strangest Secret by Earl…George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look fo…DiscussionAn excerpt from The Strangest Secret by Earl…5 LikesRead to your ,managers,salespeople,staff,kid…
Chicken Little
Henny Penny
Ducky Lucky
Goosey Loosey
Turkey Lurkey
Villain: Foxy Loxy
All negative people in a Dealership!
Narrator: Chicken Little was in the woods one day…DiscussionRead to your ,managers,salespeople,staff,kid…8 LikesAutoSuccess
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Once again, DealerELITE has finalized a partnership specifically for the benefit of the entire dE community!…PageAutoSuccess14 Likes
July 2011
The Bump!At the "Ave" Car Dealership how many times per week would you think an appraisal is "bumped" to make a deal and how much would you think that "Ave" amount would be?DiscussionThe Bump!1 LikeAre you sticking your foot in your mouth?Have you taken a look at your sales presentation lately? How does it stack up? Are you asking questions, that you DON”T already know the answer to? Last night I spoke with a salesman at the mall that…DiscussionAre you sticking your foot in your mouth?2 LikesHire Them Dead,or Kill em After You Got Em?Ok, so you have run your automotive salesperson help wanted ads, you have scheduled the respondents for an interview, you put them through your physiologically based interview, and they have passed p…DiscussionHire Them Dead,or Kill em After You Got Em?4 LikesDealerDefender Jul 2011
A lot of pure excitement and high-energy adventure happening in my life right now. The adrenaline is throbbing at my temples as I put these thoughts into the keyboard.
Throwing out the old,…PageDealerDefender Jul 201118 Likes"Well I Guess I Could Always Sell Cars"The year was 1974 Nixon was president, U.S. population was 213 million the Dow was at 600 average cost of a new home was $39, 000, and cars were $3200 Household income was $11,000!!!!!!!...Stamps wer…Discussion"Well I Guess I Could Always Sell Cars"2 LikesDallas keynote speakervideoDallas keynote speaker1 LikeI want a career selling cars but i feel my s…I know we have all heard this from our salespeople and even co workers that the spouse doesnt like the late hours, working weekends etc. Next thing you have a salesperson's head completely out of the…DiscussionI want a career selling cars but i feel my s…5 Likes
June 2011
Working the possibilitiesYou don’t get what you merely wish for. You get what you live for and what you work for. The life you experience does not depend on what happens to come your way. The life you experience is based on…DiscussionWorking the possibilities4 LikesTop Honda Salesman is an AutoMax GraduatevideoTop Honda Salesman is an AutoMax Graduate1 LikeHow Much is Being Spent?Gathering info:On average what do dealerships spend per month on landscaping/outside aesthetics and maintenance?DiscussionHow Much is Being Spent?4 Likes