How To Set and Sell Owner Marketing Appointments

This video series was created to focus The Appointment Culture just on Owner Marketing Appointments in Automotive. It's intended to help car salespeople set more appointments that show and buy.

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Comment by steven chessin on July 28, 2015 at 2:14pm

As usual, I will need to review this several times, and take notes. Thanks again for "too much info". Fortunately Youtube is the "doggy bag" to take the left-overs home with me.   

I need to see if I did not mis-understand because this seems uncharacteristically "anti-bdc" regarding not needing specialized and dedicated equity mining marketing programs and teams of well trained specialists working them as opposed to the 'old-school' salesman-oriented approach where they operate A-Z --- performing every "sales" task. I wrote yesterday in a post regarding the use of video that there is a lot of confusion in stores about where sales ends and marketing begins.

If one or some salesmen do something excellent with one or some customers that is a sales TECHNIQUE. If the store or group does something with all salesmen - all cars - all customers - it is a marketing PROCESS. If you call what a salesman does a "sales process"  - or - what a team does a "marketing technique"  - this causes confusion. A team performs all functions reasonably well where only the very best individuals are even aware of what these functions are.     

Just yesterday an experienced manager was mentioning to me that he needs to teach me DESKING and I can teach him web marketing. It reminded me of a lesson I learned from a business owner ... security guard dogs featuring teams of  "Dobies" and "Rotts". He said, "the Dobies get there first and slow them down and then the Rotts take them down hard".  The "cradle-to-grave" approach is so ...Superman-ish .... in an "Avengers" world.  

Comment by Brian Bennington on July 27, 2015 at 10:23am

Excellent presentation Steve!  While we've never met, I don't mind calling you by your first name, as after spending 45++ minutes together, I feel like I know you.  Which illuminates what I believe is a problem with this post.  It's just too long.  You have a ton of valuable information here, more than enough to require multiple views, and in actuality, several posts.  And, no matter how competent your delivery is, and it's about as refined and well-presented as anything I've seen, I don't believe anyone could "get it" in one or two viewings.  That means spending several hours in front of the screen with someone who hasn't spent nearly enough time establishing their credentials.  You know, a minute or two elaborating on who you are and how this presentation came about wouldn't hurt.  

Then, there's also the viewing time that the sales manager(s) should invest.  As you mentioned, doing this effectively is a "team effort."  Please know that I joined DE to learn from other professionals, and I'd say your content is "right on the money," but I haven't sold a car in nearly 20 years.  My interest here is primarily to refine my business, which is exclusively devoted to just the "and your customer hasn't heard from you in years" factual observation you made several times.  All in all, though, I thoroughly enjoyed you and I'm proud to relinquish my respect for your savvy and understanding.  You earned it.  Best regards to you and best wishes for the continuing success of Pladoogle.  You obviously are making the most of those cold winter Idaho nights when you're snowed in!           

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