D’s are very interesting people. They only make up 3% (three percent) of the population. That is only three out of one hundred people. They are rare and are natural born leaders. They are task oriented; goal oriented,
and have a dogged determination to accomplish the task. They want and need to
be in charge to be in their true element and feel successful. D’s often have
little time for small talk and building relationships as they are constantly
focused on the task that must be performed. They are not afraid to make a
decision, and even feel that a hasty decision is better than no decision at
all, as they will make another decision to quickly right any wrongs. For the D,
the wheel must be in constant motion as they see the decision as the spark that
ignites action, and until a decision made nothing happens. Time is always a
priority for the D and when a decision needs to be made they like choices and are
not afraid to make the decision on their own. One choice is an ultimatum as far
as the D is concerned and they can become angry, verbally hostile, and
uncommunicative. Give the D choices! It’s a must!

This is a tip on how to recognize the D customer on your lot… “I am in a hurry. I don’t have all day. I want your best price and if you don’t give it to me I am out of here. You’ve got five minutes”! Sound familiar? Sure
it does, we hear it all the time on the lot, as buying a car for many is a task
oriented occasion at first, because no relationship has been built. Under
stress most people’s D will rise, and there is nothing worse than a non D
trying to be a D.

Here is how to respond. You must acknowledge their task multiple times and do it quickly! “Absolutely, consider it done! Put your finger on the car that you want and I will get you the price right away! My
Camry’s are right over here”. This will calm the D almost immediately and as
they move towards the car they relax and lighten up considerably. When they
chose the vehicle and ask for the price, it is time to gain control or be
controlled. Remember D’s like choices. Give it to them or lose them, turn them
and make them mad. “I’d be glad to get you the price on this one! Would it be
smarter to take it for a drive first if not just to rule it out or would you
just prefer to take a chance and just get the numbers? You tell me, you are the

Seven times out of ten the D will choose the drive, because you allowed him to make the decision. The other three times you have a write- up! What could be better than that? Remember you are still in control as long
as they make the choices that you give them.

Learn and understand the qualities and needs of the D personality, and you will enjoy your job, be respected by leaders, and sell more cars and make more money. What are your thoughts on this topic?


Views: 81

Replies to This Discussion

I tested. It says I am a D but I am thinking that I don't like this thing because it didn't let me choose which letter I am. BOL! ..... maybe theres some I in there too ;)
Remember Rachael the DISC is always right. They are your answers. You are funny though! Maybe you do have some I in you! I love the BOL comment. Grinder is such a force on Carbucks. I think he is a total I. Come back tomorrow Rachael as we will be discussing the I's.

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
I tested. It says I am a D but I am thinking that I don't like this thing because it didn't let me choose which letter I am. BOL! ..... maybe theres some I in there too ;)
Where is GrInder? Does Dealer Elite have a no pet policy????
We will make sure Grinder stays right here in Carbucks!!!!

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
I tested. It says I am a D but I am thinking that I don't like this thing because it didn't let me choose which letter I am. BOL! ..... maybe theres some I in there too ;)
Grinder would have a lot to say I am sure Nancy!

Where is GrInder? Does Dealer Elite have a no pet policy????
We will make sure Grinder stays right here in Carbucks!!!!

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
I tested. It says I am a D but I am thinking that I don't like this thing because it didn't let me choose which letter I am. BOL! ..... maybe theres some I in there too ;)
This is awesome what Joe is sharing. I'm truly enjoying the journey... B.C.

Bobby, I tested and the results were DISC across the board... with a strong "I",,, I am very curious to learn your results because I think you and I are probably the same!

Bobby Compton said:
I love it brother! I already know what type of personality you are. lol

Would you like a Camry cafe latte or a Joe mocha with an extra shot?

This is great information for the sales staff to know in regards to them selves as well. To understand ones own personality will create the opportunity to understand others.

Way to go brother Joe. Looking forward to more... B.C.
I like your style Joe! I know this much about myself, I have continued work to do in developing the aspects I lack. This is the kind of information I enjoy learning. Thanks for leading the pack with this brother... B.C.

Joe Brunner said:
I am an IDS Bobby. I enjoy conversation, people, and am a loyal and steady, but am able to take charge if need be. We will talk more about the I personality tomorrow. Keep being a leader Bobby. Coffee is on the house!

Bobby Compton said:
I love it brother! I already know what type of personality you are. lol

Would you like a Camry cafe latte or a Joe mocha with an extra shot?

This is great information for the sales staff to know in regards to them selves as well. To understand ones own personality will create the opportunity to understand others.

Way to go brother Joe. Looking forward to more... B.C.
You are very welcome Bobby. You should really enjoy the " I " discussion tomorrow. Funny you say you are working on your "weaknesses". If people would just focus on their strengths and surround themselves with others who offer the characteristics they lack... Just imagine how powerful a team could be with everyone focused on their strengths while the others have their back in their weaker areas. Great comment Bobby. I'll see you tomorrow!
There is a difference between weaknesses and knowledge we all lack. I'm a life long learner who is always on the hunt for new and positive growth! I'm looking forward to tomorrow brother Brunner... Cheers!

Joe Brunner said:
You are very welcome Bobby. You should really enjoy the " I " discussion tomorrow. Funny you say you are working on your "weaknesses". If people would just focus on their strengths and surround themselves with others who offer the characteristics they lack... Just imagine how powerful a team could be with everyone focused on their strengths while the others have their back in their weaker areas. Great comment Bobby. I'll see you tomorrow!
Hey Bobby... I hear you loud and clear. Spot on brother! Coffee is on the house for you!
Thanks to all who posted on this discussion and took the time to read it.
Maybe he is busy being a guard dog on FB Nancy ;-) Somebodys gotta watch it while we are all over here dE.

Where is GrInder? Does Dealer Elite have a no pet policy????
We will make sure Grinder stays right here in Carbucks!!!!

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
I tested. It says I am a D but I am thinking that I don't like this thing because it didn't let me choose which letter I am. BOL! ..... maybe theres some I in there too ;)

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
Maybe he is busy being a guard dog on FB Nancy ;-) Somebodys gotta watch it while we are all over here dE.

Where is GrInder? Does Dealer Elite have a no pet policy????
We will make sure Grinder stays right here in Carbucks!!!!

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
I tested. It says I am a D but I am thinking that I don't like this thing because it didn't let me choose which letter I am. BOL! ..... maybe theres some I in there too ;)


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