The "S" or Steady personality is probably the most important personality to know as they represent 69% of the population. They are loyal team players and avoid confrontation at almost any cost. They do not like to make hasty decisions and will often ask others their opinion before making a decision. They are dependable, conservative, practical, and reluctant leaders.Since their biggest fear is confrontation they go along with the group and help to carry out the decisions that are made. Family matters to the S and they make decisions as a group. They keep their emotions hidden and can be selfish and stubborn, as well as stingy.

Think about this. 71% of the people buy a car from someone they like, trust, and respect. Seven out of ten say they are just looking, while 69% of the population are S’s. You don’t find many S’s in sales. They are undisciplined, take life too easy, lack self- motivation, hard to get moving, and not very goal oriented in the work environment. So who are they and why are they important? They are 69% of our customers! The next time you hear just looking, think that that your customer is
"just looking" for someone they like, respect, and trust. Speak low and slow at first. Speed, volume, and tone are so important with the S. Do your best to be that person that they will like, trust, and respect and you will sell the S at an alarmingly high rate. Next is how to identify the "S" customer.

S customer… “We are just looking, this is the first place we’ve been, and we are not buying anything today”. You may get just one statement or a combination. Your response is critical.

Response to the S…  “I don’t blame you. There are a lot of cars out here, huh”? WAIT FOR THEM TO SAY YES before you continue. This is critical! You must get them involved early! “You
don’t have to buy today. When you are ready, what are you looking for”? S’s do
things when the timing is right, so “when you are ready” is the key phrase to
begin your lead question.

Now you should understand why seven out of ten people say “just looking”. It isn’t a coincidence. It is a personality identifier! “I don’t blame you. You don’t have to buy anything. When you are ready, what are you looking for”? Ninety minutes later…

Thanks for reading. How important is it to understand 69% of your customers? I would appreciate your thoughts and comments.

Views: 179

Replies to This Discussion

This is 'S'ensational information Joe!!! To me the "S" personality seems serious and subdued! I don't know many sales people who tell a customer that they can take their time buying..I always hear take your time looking. It seems that most sales people by trait work in a hurry up and get 'er done pace. This is powerful information and I cannot wait to hear from more people!
How do you lighten the mood of a very serious "s" personality? Is it critical to get them laughing and relaxed or is it better to stay serious?
It is important for our Salespeople to remember the "Goal" of the "Meet & Greet". It is NOT to sell a car! It is to begin bringing the Customer's defensive mechanisms "down" by being unique and Inspirational with your response to the "We're Just Looking" or "We're not buying a car today" objection.

Simply let the Customer know it's okay and that you actually appreciate that your Dealership is one of the ones they chose to include in their "Shopping".

I have additional verbiage to add to that, but if I told you, I'd have to "kill" ya'. LOL
69% is a HUGE say 70% of our training time should be spent on how to relate to an S?
Great info once again Joe. Thanks!
@Dennis...Please don't kill me....but I'd love to hear more... This information could have probably saved my marriage....LOL

Dennis M. Sims said:
It is important for our Salespeople to remember the "Goal" of the "Meet & Greet". It is NOT to sell a car! It is to begin bringing the Customer's defensive mechanisms "down" by being unique and Inspirational with your response to the "We're Just Looking" or "We're not buying a car today" objection.

Simply let the Customer know it's okay and that you actually appreciate that your Dealership is one of the ones they chose to include in their "Shopping".

I have additional verbiage to add to that, but if I told you, I'd have to "kill" ya'. LOL
Great question Nancy! The S personality doesn't like confrontation in any form and they make decisions when the timing is right. Until they have found a vehicle, the timing isn't right. You lighten the mood by removing the pressure. ex. "We'll call it information day or by using when you are ready". Once the S drops his or her guard they will listen and be easily persuaded to buy. Hence the phrase 90 minutes later...
This is 'S'ensational information Joe!!! To me the "S" personality seems serious and subdued! I don't know many sales people who tell a customer that they can take their time buying..I always hear take your time looking. It seems that most sales people by trait work in a hurry up and get 'er done pace. This is powerful information and I cannot wait to hear from more people!
How do you lighten the mood of a very serious "s" personality? Is it critical to get them laughing and relaxed or is it better to stay serious?
Thanks Dennis. Your comments are correct. I couldn't agree more. Too many salesman try to rush the process. D's and I's move in for the sale often all too soon. Even though D's and I's make up only 14% of the sales force, they make up 80% of the sales force. They must learn to understand the S for the most immediate changes in results. And yes... Keep your secret as I value my life. LOL!
Dennis M. Sims said:
It is important for our Salespeople to remember the "Goal" of the "Meet & Greet". It is NOT to sell a car! It is to begin bringing the Customer's defensive mechanisms "down" by being unique and Inspirational with your response to the "We're Just Looking" or "We're not buying a car today" objection.

Simply let the Customer know it's okay and that you actually appreciate that your Dealership is one of the ones they chose to include in their "Shopping".

I have additional verbiage to add to that, but if I told you, I'd have to "kill" ya'. LOL
Craig... For me it was a staggering number. Remember we discussed hiring impatient people vs. patient people? You are spot on. That would be D's and I's vs. S's and C's. Spending more time with the S makes sense. D's and I's represent 80% of most sales forces, and need to realize how critical it is to take their time in the beginning, so the natural persuasion gifts they possess will allow them to become the boss in the end. Fantastic question Craig!
Craig Lockerd said:
69% is a HUGE say 70% of our training time should be spent on how to relate to an S?
Thanks DOG man! I am glad that you are enjoying the series! BOL!
Jim Radogna said:
Great info once again Joe. Thanks!
Funny you say that Nancy. The DISC training can be used by everyone, not just sales people. Understanding yourself, the people you work with, live with, and the people you sell to allows you to practice the "platinum rule" in all areas of your life! When you practice the platinum rule in all areas of your life it becomes a part of you no matter what you do.

@Dennis...Please don't kill me....but I'd love to hear more... This information could have probably saved my marriage....LOL

Dennis M. Sims said:
It is important for our Salespeople to remember the "Goal" of the "Meet & Greet". It is NOT to sell a car! It is to begin bringing the Customer's defensive mechanisms "down" by being unique and Inspirational with your response to the "We're Just Looking" or "We're not buying a car today" objection.

Simply let the Customer know it's okay and that you actually appreciate that your Dealership is one of the ones they chose to include in their "Shopping".

I have additional verbiage to add to that, but if I told you, I'd have to "kill" ya'. LOL
GREAT POST JOE, Well to me as Iknow it the S person is concerned about relationships and process, I see them as loyal, sypathetic friendly and supportive, good team players ,good listeners, and love to help people.They don't accept change to easily, too much out of their comfort zone, dislikes conflict. patient , will stick to it and not quit , They are energized by being very cooperative, being recognozed for good , hard work, they like to work in small groups so they can build better realtionships, They seem to lose energy with confrontation, competitive ,people, being pressured ,and being judged unfairly. they are easily recognized , quiet and casual,speak low and slow , they encourage others to talk about themselves, they prefer to be followers no leaders.
Perfect Aaron! That is the text book "S" for sure! They don't do well in sales because of all the change, conflict, pressure, and unfortunately lack of recognition. S personalities are great customers if they are treated right!

aaron kominsky said:
GREAT POST JOE, Well to me as Iknow it the S person is concerned about relationships and process, I see them as loyal, sypathetic friendly and supportive, good team players ,good listeners, and love to help people.They don't accept change to easily, too much out of their comfort zone, dislikes conflict. patient , will stick to it and not quit , They are energized by being very cooperative, being recognozed for good , hard work, they like to work in small groups so they can build better realtionships, They seem to lose energy with confrontation, competitive ,people, being pressured ,and being judged unfairly. they are easily recognized , quiet and casual,speak low and slow , they encourage others to talk about themselves, they prefer to be followers no leaders.


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