Traditional Advertising, is it truly over as many might say?
I've found that there are different environments, climates and demographics that call for traditional advertising! Although Social Media is on the move and in my opinion will be sooner than later, the #1 source to reach a customer, traditional advertising must not be counted out!
In some towns the paper is still King, while in others a local T.V. station is King and believe it or not in some towns Radio is King.
While the hot topic of today is online digital marketing and social media, my message is this; don't count out any source or avenue to reach a dealers customer base, and rather than assume what is best for a dealer in their climate, it's more important to learn of what their climate and demographics call for!
Tip of the week on dE...
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Ummm... I like the message.and the picture ... the two combined tell a great story that...FACEBOOK IS THE NEW SPEED DIAL
I will believe that Traditional Advertising is "over" when the major internet companies (like autotrader and cars) stop using TV to promote their websites. :-) The most effective dealerships have a strategy that incorporates BOTH!
Frank Drigotas
CBC Advertising
"Working With A Handful Of Great Dealers"
Advertising 101 -- conventional or digital -- suggests that you need to define your message, your market, go where your customers are and then deliver them a relevant message with a call to action. Marketing may have a slightly different agenda and method but they both boil down to understanding human nature
People will always take the path of least reistence to get what they want and trying to tell them what they want is much harder than letting them tell you. Social networking and word of mouth advertising has always been a part of advertising. Social media -- including Facebook -- is simply a new channel to contain the conversation that is the market made possible by the Internet and the technology that has been developed to capitalize on it as an advertising medium.
My point is that technology may provide new ways to deliver the message, however there is no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater! Generational preferences, cultural differences, socio-economic barriers and even geographical logistics will contribute to determining which media may work best for any particular target audience. One conventional wisdom that has survived the WWW is that a diverse media mix delivering a consistent message will produce better frequency and retention than any single source.
The number of impresions are more quantifiable with digital media, however the subliminal messages delivered by the billboards, radio commercials between your favorite song, TV commercials that survive the DVR and print ads that you accidentally see as you are killing time in the bathroom -- (sorry for that image but I am getting to my point) -- still build awareness that will make 2+2=5, if you are using the right two!
My point is that conventional media still deserves a seat at the table. The trick is to monitor the R.O.I. sourced from every automotive advertising investment and adjust your allocation of funds within your budget accordingly. The new technologies that drive the internet include referencing your mobile and conventional websites in your broadcast media and embedded short codes, (SMS text messaging links), and QR codes in your print media. These tools allow you to capitalize on the ability to quantify your R.O.I. on old world media using the capabilities developed in the new world solutions.
As always, inspect what you expect and focus on making friends vs. sales and your R.O.I. will increase. After all, what are friends for!
Hi Russel,
I suggest that you go to the NADA Convention in San Francisco as well as the 10th Digital Dealer Conference in April. You will be able to find all of the best practices you seek in one barrel at one time! Add a review of previous posts on DealerElite and some other automotive advertising networking portals like Ralph Paglia's ADM and Brian Pasch's Internet Sales Manager and you will be picking the brains of the best of the best!
After all, what are friends -- DealerElite, ADM, ISM, NADA and the DD Conferences -- for!
Russell L Coyne said:
I do believe we must start thinking outside of the box. I have owned and operated a Super Sale Company since 2001. January 1st I put my suitcase in storage and took a job as a GM. Great move for me and my family. I am not looking to be sold, however, we are interested in exploring advertising ideas with Dealers/GM. We are looking for methods of advertising that are working for your dealers. We have a great owner who is opened to ideas and trust my judgement.
I will believe that Traditional Advertising is "over" when the major internet companies (like autotrader and cars) stop using TV to promote their websites. :-) The most effective dealerships have a strategy that incorporates BOTH!
Frank Drigotas
CBC Advertising
"Working With A Handful Of Great Dealers"
Hi Russel,
I suggest that you go to the NADA Convention in San Francisco as well as the 10th Digital Dealer Conference in April. You will be able to find all of the best practices you seek in one barrel at one time! Add a review of previous posts on DealerElite and some other automotive advertising networking portals like Ralph Paglia's ADM and Brian Pasch's Internet Sales Manager and you will be picking the brains of the best of the best!
After all, what are friends -- DealerElite, ADM, ISM, NADA and the DD Conferences -- for!
Russell L Coyne said:I do believe we must start thinking outside of the box. I have owned and operated a Super Sale Company since 2001. January 1st I put my suitcase in storage and took a job as a GM. Great move for me and my family. I am not looking to be sold, however, we are interested in exploring advertising ideas with Dealers/GM. We are looking for methods of advertising that are working for your dealers. We have a great owner who is opened to ideas and trust my judgement.
Many newspapers like mine have opted to offer traditional advertising with a twist. I for one offer all of my advertising clients a three for one package. You get your traditional advertising in our monthly print publication, you get online advertising on our web site which we link it back to yours, and then we give the bonus of direct email marketing we your ad is placed on our weekly e-newsletter. As a perk we also place your ads on all off our social networking sites like our fan page on facebook, auttr, LinkedIn, dealer elite, and the many others. You have to meet your potential advertisers and you current clients in the middle with today’s advertising needs.
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