In our chosen careers, we all need a little motivation once in a while. This group is for sharing Quotes, Sayings and Guidance To help get you through your day! Add your favorite quote that gets you motivated on a daily basis.
Energy: We need energy to start and complete tasks. Oftentimes the energy is propelled by the passion we have for the task at hand. The energy turns into enthusiasm. Others can see this energy. It is shown in our smiles, in our attitude, and in the pride in our stride. Others get excited by your energy! Set yourself on fire with enthusiasm, and people will come from miles to watch you burn!
Ego-Drive: Ego-drive asks, “How much are you willing to give for success?” How willing are you to do the difficult things in order to reap the rewards of success? Victor Hugo wrote, “People don’t lack courage, they lack will.” Ego-drive translates into confidence – not conceit. (Conceit is a weird disease that makes everyone sick except the person who has it.) Ego-drive also translates into determination. Some people succeed because they are destined to succeed, but most people succeed because they are determined to succeed.
Empathy: We are all in the people business; therefore, we must be tuned into people, not tuned into policies, procedures, practices, or products. Every person you encounter today is tuned into radio station WII-FM. This stands for “What’s In It For Me?” By tuning into the other person’s radio station you create connection; by broadcasting your own radio station, you create static! When you tune into the other person’s radio station you can sincerely care for him; you can empathize with him. We are not on this earth to see through people; we are on this earth to see people through.
The challenge today is to E’s into success by using your Energy, your Ego-drive, and your Empathy. Remember, you do not pay the price for success – you enjoy the benefits of success.
Now, go sell somebody something!
By Bryan Flanagan
Bobby Compton
Empathy: We are all in the people business; therefore, we must be tuned into people, not tuned into policies, procedures, practices, or products. Every person you encounter today is tuned into radio station WII-FM. This stands for “What’s In It For Me?” By tuning into the other person’s radio station you create connection; by broadcasting your own radio station, you create static! When you tune into the other person’s radio station you can sincerely care for him; you can empathize with him. We are not on this earth to see through people; we are on this earth to see people through.
Jul 14, 2011
Fran Taylor
Aug 26, 2011