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100 ways for Leadership SUCCESSNOW!



Added by Travis Snow on February 16, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Education + Motivation = Success???

I wanted to get some feedback and opinions regarding education and the role that it plays with the quality of positive people that we have in the sales industry. I am really happy to see how Brian Pasch is utilizing the importance of education and implementing this for us in the auto industry. Much respect to you Brian!

I am not sure if this is only my own personal experience or if my thoughts are correct regarding the lack of motivational influences during our college and education…


Added by Lizelle Landino on February 16, 2011 at 9:49am — 1 Comment

Let's Get back to using the Phone as a Weapon!

I am in favor of all new technology, I think email is a great way to communicate, texting is super, facebook is awesome but for most dealerships today the Phone is still the # 1 way to sell cars today. I am seeing more and more salespeople or internet managers allowing themselves to fall into the trap of too much electronic communication and not enough phone calling.

I was so happy when i got my first sales job at a Toyota dealership in Louisiana. The sales floor was closed to any new…


Added by Steve Bridges on February 16, 2011 at 1:55am — No Comments

Crash, Burn, Recover - My Rise From A Layoff


I kind of fell into the automotive business. A friend of a friend had a position open in a BDC of a car dealer selling Suzuki and Isuzu. I left a collection agency where I was selling the idea of paying a bill to go to the automotive business where I was selling the idea of making and keeping an appointment to meet with a salesperson. 

I started at the bottom, making phone calls to leads, setting appointments, tracking shows and sales. Then, we brought on a consultant who…


Added by Katie Colihan on February 15, 2011 at 8:42pm — No Comments

Saying "I Love You"...In a Professional Sort of Way!

We have heard many times over, the final mental decision making process is triggered by emotion!  Love is a word today that is overused, misused, and abused, but definitely used in many levels of connotations! 

Many years ago, New York City very effectively and successfully branded themselves with "I Love (heart) NewYork"!  Another example...Everytime I…


Added by NANCY SIMMONS on February 14, 2011 at 10:55pm — 6 Comments

You are Superheroes not role models!

To the Superheroes of my life (you know who you are):

I am grateful to you for your aspirations and refusal of failure.A great role model is a person that understands who he is and does not cheat…


Added by Lizelle Landino on February 14, 2011 at 10:26pm — 2 Comments

Importance of monitoring your digital presence.

Even if you have "decided" not to actively participate in social media, customers still will talk about your dealership through social media, it’s really not a choice. Either you can fill the vacuum with your perspective, or your customers and competitors will fill it for you.  The choice is clear.  

Monitoring helps with branding and marketing and can help identify quality control or customer care problems that may have gone unnoticed.

Monitoring is only one piece of the…


Added by Joseph Little on February 14, 2011 at 3:14pm — No Comments

Importance of monitoring your digital presence.

Even if you have "decided" not to actively participate in social media, customers still will talk about your dealership through social media, it’s really not a choice. Either you can fill the vacuum with your perspective, or your customers and competitors will fill it for you.  The choice is clear.  

Monitoring helps with branding and marketing and can help identify quality control or customer care problems that may have gone unnoticed.

Monitoring is only one piece of the…


Added by Joseph Little on February 14, 2011 at 3:14pm — No Comments

Notes From Training on the Road

We are on the road for a couple of weeks training a variety of dealerships. I gotta say our Personality Selling System is such a great hit with both the sales persons and the managers. They tell us it’s not only a unique approach to sales but when we follow-up our training has always expanded the sales of the dealership.


Our on-line and social media production department is currently working on an on-line customized P.S.S. training program with audio, video and mobile…


Added by Rich William on February 14, 2011 at 2:44pm — No Comments

Grading Your Dealership’s Competition

In marketing for auto dealers around the country, we spend time analyzing their competition to see how they’re doing with everything from social media marketing to website lead management. In order to beat your competition out in sales, your dealership needs to take the time to look at what competitors are doing. Here are a few quick tips to analyze…


Added by Paul Potratz on February 14, 2011 at 2:35pm — No Comments

Process Management

During a recent dealership visit I asked a manager why she used a lateral support team system. The answer took me back when she said “That’s the way it’s always been done.” When thinking about her statement it came to me that many times we get stuck into processes or procedures that may need changed or altered. These changes are never acted on because many managers dislike change and operate in their comfort zone. Let’s look at some innovative ways to analyze what processes are right for…


Added by Rob Gehring on February 14, 2011 at 11:38am — No Comments

Bricks WIthout Straw?

Does your GM know the car biz from twenty years ago like the back of his hand but reaches for an Internet Manager or eCommerce Director whenever there’s an Internet problem?   And is that person he reaches for you?  And is getting approved…


Added by Keith Shetterly on February 14, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Creating Your Online Reputation: Where Do I Begin

Last week I discovered some very interesting responses to a survey I had asked about 60 automotive employees to fill out regarding their dealership’s online… Continue

Added by Glenn Pasch on February 13, 2011 at 5:55pm — No Comments

Creating Your Online Reputation: The Fear Factor

While preparing for my workshop that I gave at the 2011 Digital Marketing Strategies Conference, I continued to run across a common reluctance amongst dealerships to change their focus from a defensive position to an offensive position when dealing with their online reputation.…Online Reputation

Added by Glenn Pasch on February 13, 2011 at 5:53pm — No Comments

GMAC Again?

A Look forward – But First a Look Back

So here we all sit watching General Motors make another bold move. But first before we talk about the latest and greatest let’s look back. Years ago GM sold off the GMAC unit to a third party. The proverbial cash cow is tossed to the wind. Many in the industry said that was foolish due…


Added by MANNY LUNA on February 13, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Motion Creates Emotion

You know that your attitude has a huge impact on the actions you take and the results you get. So, how can you create a great attitude?

One simple, yet powerful, way to change your mental and emotional state (your attitude) is to move your body differently. The way you move creates how you feel. If you want to change how you…


Added by MANNY LUNA on February 13, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

AdAgencyOnline.Net Reviews Next Generation Dealer Services For Automotive Advertising Agencies In An Interview With David Johnson

Automotive advertising agencies are challenged to keep up with new technologies and online marketing channels to accommodate today's internet savvy consumer.  Ad Agency Online, L.L.C. is a national network of independent affiliated automotive advertising agencies that leverage their resources and complimentary skill sets to serve their auto dealer and vendor clients.  The network's portal --…


Added by Philip Zelinger on February 13, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Video Statistics: The Impact of Video Compiled by Invodo

eCommerce Video Drives Conversion, Sales and Traffic While Reducing Returns


  • Online retailer Living Direct found that videos boosted conversion as well as increasing time on site by 9%. (Internet Retailer, October 2010).
  • Internet Retailer reports that visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do…

Added by Tom Rocha on February 13, 2011 at 10:56am — No Comments

Are You Ready To Invest For Success in 2011?

Regardless of the vendor marketing slants regarding social media and digital marketing, it is clear that the automotive industry needs to invest in educating their employees on digital marketing. Dealer principals and executives must be able to lead their dealership in the digital age.

Equally as important is the need to attract the next generation of automotive sales and marketing professionals. Most billion dollar industries have established Internships and educational programs for…


Added by Brian Pasch on February 12, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Quit using stock photos

If anyone is still using stock photos on their websites, I would recommend you stop right now.  Get out there and take your own pictures; better yet, take them in front of your store to build instant credibility.  Also, make sure you have a good camera; a good one should be able to support 100 photos per car.  An easy way to take these pictures is to set up three spots; one for small, medium and large cars.  Then put dots around each spot.  So anyone can take these pictures just by walking… Continue

Added by Joseph Little on February 11, 2011 at 5:10pm — No Comments

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