All Blog Posts (12,618)

Automotive Dealers: You now have a unique, one of a kind system to help sell more inventory to customers you didn't even know existed! It's new & it's exciting!

Visit our website to see what the newest, most revolutionary game changer is now available. This is not a want or a need. This is a 'Must Have' if you sell cars!

Added by Bill Goodfriend on November 9, 2010 at 2:10pm — No Comments


Good morning everyone,months,

As you may or may not know, I am a national Sales Trainer affiliated with TK Worldwide, Inc. Over the last several months, I have been on medical leave recovering from 2 major surgical issues.

Fortunately, thanks to stupendous medical staff,help, and support, along with first rate therapy,I am on the fast track to recovery.

I would like to thank Kevin Bradberry and his staff at TK Worldwide,Inc headquarters for the support…


Added by casey castilow on November 9, 2010 at 11:50am — 4 Comments

AdAgencyOnline.Net Reviews TK Carsites For Automotive Advertising Agencies Focused On Internet Based Marketing

AdAgencyOnline.Net, an automotive advertising resource / networking portal supported by a national network of independent automotive advertising agencies, will be reviewing TK Carsites on their blog talk radio station WAAOL, All Automotive Advertising News All The Time. Philip Zelinger, the President of Ad Agency Online,…


Added by Philip Zelinger on November 9, 2010 at 10:34am — No Comments

WOMENCERTIFIED~SUSAN HAIR 561-309-7078~Communication

This is the month to

Give Thanks!

With Thanksgiving celebrated in October in Canada and in November in the US, ‘tis the season for giving thanks.

Even though times are tough for many people, there are still certainly many blessings and good fortune to be thankful for this year. Whether your family, your health, your prosperity or your job tops your list, be sure to take a moment to extend your thanks to your clients and customers for their business and… Continue

Added by SUSAN HAIR on November 9, 2010 at 9:42am — No Comments

Taking Advantage of Google Places and Organic SEO: Part I - Clean Your "House"

The recent changes at Google have everyone hustling to understand what it means and what they need to do to take advantage of it. This video, the 1st in a 7-part series, focuses on the easiest and highest-impact action that dealers can take today: editing and maximizing their Google Places Profile.

We will be post on dE daily until all of the tips and tricks are out there. Watch it and then take action… Continue

Added by JD Rucker on November 8, 2010 at 8:01pm — No Comments


In the world of Professional sports, teams will spend hours researching how their opponents will react in any given situations. They watch film, update themselves on individual player’s conditions and personal lives and proclivities and look to extol any benefit possible from any information gleaned.…


Added by Bryan Armstrong on November 8, 2010 at 6:18pm — No Comments

AdAgencyOnline.Net Reviews WomenCertified® For Automotive Advertising Agencies On Automotive Advertising Experts Blog Talk Radio Show

Philip Zelinger, the President of Ad Agency Online, L.L.C. and the host of the automotive advertising resource / networking portal http://AdAgencyOnline.Net, will be reviewing WomenCertified® on the portal's blog talk radio station -- WAAOL, All Automotive…


Added by Philip Zelinger on November 8, 2010 at 4:41pm — 1 Comment

Facebook Expands Automotive Advertising Opportunities with Deals

Facebook already offers a wealth of opportunity for car dealerships to promote their offers with Ads. Now, Facebook is adding a new advertising feature called Deals, integrating with Facebook…


Added by Paul Potratz on November 8, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

dealerELITE to Reach 4,000 Members Any Time Now

Congratulations to dealerELITE for hitting the 4,000 (assuming that a handful of more people join soon).

I must admit, I'm absolutely shocked at the speed that dE has grown. I've been watching from a distance for a while and decided to look at the number of members in all of the major automotive social networks today to gather information on a story when I saw the astounding… Continue

Added by JD Rucker on November 7, 2010 at 7:35pm — 1 Comment

You Can’t Fix It If You Don’t Measure It

If your sales staff told you that they had a 50% closing ratio, would you take their word for it? I suspect not – you would probably track all of their opportunities to determine the true percentage. Most dealerships measure a vast number of items on a daily basis. After all, you can’t manage what you don’t measure, right?

How about the level of compliance and ethical behavior in your dealership? Is that something you measure or do you just take everyone’s word for it? Have you… Continue

Added by Jim Radogna on November 6, 2010 at 8:27pm — 3 Comments

There's more to improving a credit score than disputing credit reports!

There is more to improving ones credit than disputing errors on a report. Another way to improve ones credit is adding new credit lines. One way to accomplish this is to get a

credit card. Some people with low credit scores can't get a conventional credit

card but there are some companies that cater to low credit…


Added by Stan Morris on November 6, 2010 at 10:19am — No Comments

Internet TV Killed the Cable Star

Automotive Marketing has come in many forms and through different mediums. First, there was Print and Radio. Then, these Broadcast Television knocked these out of the way, and was pushed aside by Cable…


Added by Paul Potratz on November 5, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

LinkedIn Auto Professional Website Poll

Your reward for responding is to see the current results of this LinkedIn Poll...… Continue

Added by Ralph Paglia on November 5, 2010 at 2:13pm — No Comments

10 Reasons Multi-point Inspections are Important

In our world there is a constant search for “better.”

Better personnel, better systems, better procesess, better sales…you get the idea.

Is there “better” out there in Fixed Operations?

Sure. In recent years software and computers have made getting every conceivable report possible and as easy as a press of the button.

Software applications like ASR Capture from Reverse Risk is a prime example. Here is an application that does nearly everything that old… Continue

Added by Leonard Buchholz on November 5, 2010 at 12:23pm — No Comments


“The time spent acquiring and retaining women customers will ultimately lead to more business generated per customer, twice as many referrals, and a tendency to create greater word-of-mouth marketing for you and your brand.”

- Delia Passi Did you know?

Women recognize, by a 3:1 ratio, companies that market to women.

By a 7:1 ratio, women will go out of their way to do business with those companies.

- Working Woman consumer research study

Added by SUSAN HAIR on November 5, 2010 at 8:57am — No Comments


95% of women say they would prefer to do business with a company or professional who has been trained in understanding the unique needs of women.

Added by SUSAN HAIR on November 5, 2010 at 8:54am — No Comments


A business relationship formed to meet the needs of two parties or more on an ongoing basis." This informative workshop will inspire and equip your sales force to become proactive in connecting, communicating and creating business opportunities. The program focuses on strategies to build and develop client contacts and prospects as well as enhance their people and communication skills guaranteed to support their sales objectives.

Added by SUSAN HAIR on November 5, 2010 at 8:52am — No Comments

WOMENCERTIFIED~SUSAN HAIR 561-309-7078~Communication

This program is designed to equip your sales force to make an immediate impact and increase their sales from the get go. The workshop's objectives include motivating and inspiring participants to appreciate women in the buying process, demonstrating the differences between gender communication styles, providing tools and approaches to use when selling to women, making immediate adjustments that will improve results with women, and teaching participants how to find new women prospects.~

Added by SUSAN HAIR on November 5, 2010 at 8:42am — No Comments

WOMENCERTIFIED~SUSAN HAIR 561-309-7078~Communication

95% of women say they would prefer to do business with a company or professional who has been trained in understanding the unique needs of women.

Added by SUSAN HAIR on November 5, 2010 at 8:41am — No Comments

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