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Review: The Turnaround King with Grant Cardone

(Originally published on Dealer magazine)
Sales trainer and industry personality (as well as Dealer magazine blogger) Grant…

Added by Arnold Tijerina on June 24, 2011 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Different twist on an age-old sales problem

In dealing with customers who say they want to go away and think about it, we can consider an alternative approach 



What do you do when you have a customer in the showroom, you’ve done the presentation and the test drive and got some degree of commitment from them, then they turn around and tell you that they “just need to go and see the Audi first, to put it out of my mind”?


It’s a tricky one – because…


Added by Simon Bowkett on June 24, 2011 at 8:12am — 1 Comment

Choosing Honesty (7th in the Choosing Series)

I want to talk about honesty among those of us in the profession.  Before you get all hot and bothered, I'm not referring to how you do your business.  We all know that the vast majority of auto people conduct their business with honesty and integrity.  Those who don't aren't going to change because I wrote an article calling them out.  This is about internal honesty.


As a sales trainer, my concern and goal is to leave every client,…


Added by John Fuhrman on June 24, 2011 at 6:37am — No Comments

Breaking News Jim Ziegler has resigned from Dealer Magazine after 14years

 Jim Ziegler, widely read columnist with Dealer Magazine has resigned after being with the magazine since the beginning in 1997. Ziegler will issue press releases in weeks upcoming about where he will resurface. 


Where do you think Jim Ziegler should resurface? Why? …


Added by DealerELITE on June 24, 2011 at 12:05am — 12 Comments

National Sales Trainer Needed

Dealer Elite members.......David Lewis & Associates is growing again and we have an opening for two more National Sales Trainers.  Candidate must have an extensive Automotive Management background, a dynamic personality and public speaking desires.


If you have a desire to explore this fantastic opportunity please email me your resume at, or contact me at 321-435-6000, ext. 213.

Added by David Lewis on June 23, 2011 at 9:28pm — No Comments

Turn Your CRM into a Remarketing Powerhouse

CRM: “Customized Relationship Marketing” or “Continually Representing Me”. Michael Tyman of Professional Success, Inc. shares his views.

The CRM is a “customer relationship management” tool that works as a large repository of customer information, but it can be so much more powerful if you unlock its true potential. To…


Added by Richelle Farley on June 23, 2011 at 7:35pm — No Comments

Less Than 10% of Your Facebook Fans See Your Posts

I was intrigued by a blog post written by Brian Carter entitled "SHOCKER: 3% To 7.5% Of Fans See Your Page's Posts" and I recommend that you read the entire article as well as consider Brian's tips to increase engagement.


With everyone's obsession about collecting high number of Facebook Fans…


Added by Brian Pasch on June 23, 2011 at 8:30am — 3 Comments

Someone Else's Timing

On my way home from the gym this morning, I found myself waiting behind a small SUV for the light to turn green.  With only 1 hour to get ready for work, my mind was racing thinking of what I needed to get accomplished today. As I sat staring into the back of…


Added by Marsh Buice on June 22, 2011 at 9:08pm — 6 Comments

Cheat Them out of Time… Then Give Them the Leftovers? Why?

It has been a personnel tendency, to spend so much intensified time in the work place. Being on time to learn, try to help others, giving my all out energy so we could have success. No matter what, you just want the best for everyone. When the customer keeps you late, it was always okay.  Someone needs a ride home 15 minutes out of your way, no problem. The manufacturer,…


Added by Tony Provost on June 22, 2011 at 6:24pm — 51 Comments

Auto Dealerships: Is Your Customer’s Information Really Secure?

Ever since the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) passed the Safeguards Rule, customer information security has been a hot topic over the past several years for auto dealerships.   The FTC mandates that auto dealerships have a formal, written, and revisable program specifying the steps taken to protect customer’s personal information and prevent unauthorized use of such information.  The three objectives needed in a Customer Information Security Program are:

  1. Secure and insure the…

Added by Tamara Lischer on June 22, 2011 at 5:59pm — No Comments

What did you think of "Turnaround King"?



Since we are in the automotive business, it makes sense to take a look at Grant Cardone's new show, Turnaround King. In case you missed it, Grant and his team entered Gold's Gym in NJ and Straub Buick GMC in his first two episodes.




Added by DealerELITE on June 22, 2011 at 5:07pm — 16 Comments

3 Reasons to NOT Use Social Media

What’s with all this talk about social media? I’m sure it’s just a passing fad like carrier pigeons and the telegraph. Here are three reasons why you should NOT use social media.

  1. I Believe in Traditional Values I’m a salt-of-the-earth kind of guy. I don’t run with a fast crowd that’s always fiddling with their electronic do-dads in public. I…

Added by Lance Boldt on June 22, 2011 at 5:01pm — No Comments

How to Write an Effective Sales Letter

Sales letters are important tools for effective interactive marketing, lead generation and sales opportunities.  Often, the first impression made upon a customer is from a sales letter.  Selling is like dating.  Imagine you are on a first date, would you present your best one-size-fits-all-everyone-is-the-same-generalize-for-the-masses romance package?  The only impression you would leave on that date…


Added by Stephanie Young on June 22, 2011 at 9:00am — 13 Comments

The Impending Tsunami of Customer Defections from New Car Dealers and the Role of the Internet.

Many new car dealers know that something is not right with their service departments or for that matter with their dealership business model as a whole. Customer loss rates are at all time high, "Right To Repair" legislation is seemingly hanging over like a "sword of Damocles" and profits margins are shrinking across the board. I bet in almost every franchised new car dealership, management meetings are being held to discuss how to tackle these challenges and I can imagine the nature of some…


Added by Joe Tareen on June 21, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

The Shift is On: Re-allocating Ad Dollars to Maximize Opportunities with New Media


Last October at the Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas keynote speaker Chip Perry, the CEO of, addressed a capacity crowd of dealer principals, GM’s, Parts Managers/Directors and e-commerce personnel declaring  dealer ad costs (per-vehicle) are projected to go down over the next four years.

Have you ever heard an advertising executive predict ad costs to go down? Neither…


Added by Craig Moore on June 21, 2011 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Shut Up and Help Me Convert!

Those that know me or read my professional blogs know that I'm a GREAT believer in processes, and that I consider that many, many dealerships' profits would increase dramatically from just making THOSE EXISTING PROCESSES WORK FOR THEM.  And we never want process to fail us, sure, but it's especially painful when we've gotten a customer in from a call, landed them on a…


Added by Keith Shetterly on June 21, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Welcome Home

Hello Everyone!

Well after trying various employment for about a year and a half, I found my way back to Kelly Ford in Melbourne Florida.

I have been in the auto industry for about 11 years and did very well for many years.

Having been employed there in 2001 and seeing an add on on a job site recently, I can best describe the feeling of

being re-employed at Kelly as "coming home".


Many dealerships speak of integrity, but Kelly Ford walks the…


Added by Christen Anthony Corl on June 21, 2011 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Its 2011... 34% to the Bottom Line... HAS TO BE DONE!!!

Don’t look back. Stop living in the past. The human body doesn’t have a rearview mirror, for a reason.  Capture the moment, it’s the selling season, 2011. Business is happening.  Are you pulling out all stops? People are out buying vehicles. This next 6 months, is going to be awesome. Are you closed?  Do you have a 90 day business plan? Are you putting…


Added by Tony Provost on June 20, 2011 at 4:15pm — 10 Comments



Added by Tom Letizia on June 20, 2011 at 2:29pm — No Comments

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