It was my belief that this site was meant to share your talents, thoughts and relevant material that makes for a community of Car "Guys and Gals" that stay sharp, get educated and have a forum for discussions to better all of our careers. I have remained very steadfast to those cores and have never that i can remember posted a video or blog post that direct sells my product with links to my site etc. It certainly seems that some people here do not feel the same? My question is simple? Is that what this site is about? I certainly look forward the increased visibility I get and my company gets on this site, but if direct selling is allowed and I can start posting video presentations of our product and the value we feel we offer I am missing the boat.
My vote really is that the content of the site remains unaffected by direct selling and more through the value you bring to the site and its members. If you and your content shine I think those are the people that should be the true winners.
That Said, I am not a whiner at all and this is not a bitch session of me begging to sell my companies products here. It simply is exactly what the titles suggest, I have a question and I wonder everyones thoughts? Me personally, I enjoy the content that Chris, Mike, Craig, Jim, Grant, Dave, and others provide and love the outlet this provides me to share my passion for this business and give back to a business that has afforded me a great life.
Troy "Turbo' Spring
I am seeing more and more of this as time goes by... Tell me folks that are promoting, since I have not heard from you how are the results?
That's wicked cool Troy! LOL
And Nancy, Biihn from Na Hampshire riganlly, I preciate the bohston accent! lol No agenda from this VendahI
Bill. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond. thats exactly the type information I was hoping to get, a true perspective on this issue. Thank you.
Very poinient indeed Troy. IMHO here is what essentially happens. I am a carguy/vendor myself. I once laid into a group member for over-posting their services and reminded them of the rules which in turn recieved a well responded thank you for making this post by Chris, the team and many other members of DE. Here is the problem as i see it; again just INHO. I think there are more vendors than dealer's on DE and at times we can overstep our bounds.1) I won't name another NING site I'm on, but suffice to say anytime one shares relevant info. the owner chimes in about everything and blogs down the posting within less than 10 does that reach anyone? 2) How do we make sure that us competing vendors, or in the case of mine, you don't have any competition never-the-less keep from over-posting in order to create our mentality of staying on top? Again, IMHO I have to agree with the terms of being a member or it starts getting convaluted and very quickly. I do believe however if you have something new that you should be able to post it once just to let people know. Forgive me in advance if there are a few mis-spelled words, no spell check on the top pane. ; -) Great post & Good Selling!
BEWARE the "Vendah with an Agenda" (That is how we say it here in Boston...LOL)
Well said Marsh, I see things from the vendors side and have been really careful not to overstep the boundaries. Appreciate your retail eyes and thoughts. In the end it does boil down to ROI. Great comment.
Troy, I believe in content for all. If you have something to offer, then say it. I have always felt that if you provide something of value and someone wants more of what you offer then so be it. Your content will speak for itself. I think people have their B.S. meter on..if someone is copying other's content or if all someone is just self promoting their biz and offering little content then the crap will rise to the top quickly.
I agree with Nancy, ROI is key. We should all support those who are offering good, quality content. Play on playa :)
I feel 100% exactly the same and appreciate the time you took to share that. I also "promoted" you, since that is what it is all about :) Glad you like the Turbolife series, big things coming from that this year :) It truly is meant to be philanthropic at this point and give back.
Hi Troy,
Happy New Year...Love the new Turbo video series. I think everyone reading your blog knows the answer to that. Coming from both the dealership side (over 30 years in retail) and now as a vendor, (no shameless plug), the answer is yes to promoting, no to self-promoting in a the form of solicitation. DealerElite has in a very positive fashion, outlined the true mission/culture of dE in a blog, and when bloggers go outside the guidelines, the dE blog is featured. Everyone is looking for ROI these days...A return on monetary investment, a return on their time they take to be active here, Return on Involvement. What most folks don't comprehend, is that platforms such as these are designed with the intent that folks engaged will experience personal growth, exchange best practices, via networking and provinding an informational library for those engaged in the form of video and blogs.
Now "promoting" a colleague's (or your own) profile, content, blurb is very much encouraged here! If you want to market your company, buy the affordable display advertising spots dealerELITE offers to its participating vendors.
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