"Let's get back to relationship selling"

 I recently got a letter from an extremely satisfied customer, who was telling me that I was the highest price dealer that     he dealt with, but he wanted to to do business with me because my dealerships BDC and sales staff were so upfront and honest.

 By the way the other dealers were $1,000-$2,000 below invoice and he did try to buy from them first,but suprisingly couldn't. He then allowed me to sell him the car at $500 below invoice and he thought he was rewarding me for being an upront dealer. Granted I took the deal and do appreciate earning this gentlemans business but it does sum up where we are as an industry that $500 below invoice is a reward.

That why I created the "EZ Referral Network", The EZ REferral Network takes the best of old school relationship selling, build your business through,repeats,referrals and networking and gives a salesperson and dealership the use of  all of todays technologies to make it easily happen. Let's get our salespeople back to work and let's stop spending so much $ on unquantifiable advertising.

In less than 6 months I have registered over 1300 referral associates(bird dogs),generated 350 leads, 225 showroom ups and delivered over 110 cars @2400/car.

If you would like to build your business the way I am please give me a call or e mail me for more information.


Paul Sansone Jr



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